I'm not trying to sound like "The Secret", but...

Aug 13, 2009 17:25

I want to talk a bit about the ever popular subject of money. Specifically, something that irks me. The idea that writers can't make a living. Periodically a blog post or something comes along about how poor writers are and gets everybody depressed ( Read more... )

writer finances

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Comments 27

lisa_schroeder August 14 2009, 02:12:24 UTC
It's funny, as someone with a day job, I actually feel like I'm in the minority. People at the conference in LA would sometimes look surprised and ask, "You still work a day job?" Um, yes? We have two teenage sons and my husband doesn't make a ton of money. Plus my advances haven't been anything to write home about.

But I dream big. I keep writing, and every day, I dream big...


fabulousfrock August 14 2009, 02:46:29 UTC
I think the people I know are kind of split between people who left their jobs, people who didn't, and people who didn't have jobs to begin with. A lot of people do leave their jobs, which is why I think it's weird that people so frequently talk about how authors are extremely poor. I do hope you can leave your day job someday! I think you're in that category of being very talented and dedicated but not writing a hot genre right now. That sort of thing is really a bummer, especially since a lot of my favorite books are kind of not "hot".


annemariewrites August 14 2009, 02:14:16 UTC
Amen, sistah!

I think many an author's idea of "making it" includes houses all over the globe, cars to match, and enough money to roll around naked in. That's not a living. That's gratuitous. (And I'm sure it's fantastic.)


fabulousfrock August 14 2009, 02:47:55 UTC
LOL. That will be Maggie. But she's allowed because she will rule with benevolence.


childings August 14 2009, 02:14:40 UTC
I know all of this because most of the people I work with scoring essays are either retirees or have some kind of freelance writing/acting/songwriting job. The work I'm doing right now is perfect for people working in creative fields. Since the scoring season only lasts from around February to July, you're not working constantly, and you don't have to take on contracts you don't want to work.

And there are always other kinds of jobs you can do to make money while waiting for checks or royalties to come in (if you're not beneath working retail, especially). So the idea of the "starving artist" is pretty stupid since it presupposes that all one has to do is churn out a product and sit around waiting for the money to come rolling in -- it never works that way.


fabulousfrock August 14 2009, 02:51:37 UTC
That is true too. I figure I could probably find some other temporary work nowadays rather than going back to a full-time job...


Great post! anonymous August 14 2009, 02:23:07 UTC
I really enjoyed reading this, it's always good to get a nice dose of pragmatism from someone with experience in the field.

I read your tweets too(@xPeregrine) -- I'd love to hear what you're doing to market your work. I've seen little snippets here and there, about meeting w/ bloggers, and going to dinner -- but I'd love to hear your perspective on it :)


Re: Great post! fabulousfrock August 14 2009, 03:00:39 UTC
Thanks! Well, I'm not sure I feel qualified to make a whole post about marketing yet. I don't have grand plans yet.

I try to maintain the usual social networks and be very friendly to people who express any interest, well, were actually in general, but especially if you take the time to e-mail me so far I have taken the time to give a good response to them. I introduce myself to people at bookstores and libraries when appropriate. I plan on using my artwork as a marketing tool by making some striking advertisements, perhaps posting little comics or sketches, and doodling art in people's books at signings when I can. That's something not a lot of authors can offer so I hope to use it to add a little extra interest. I also think it's important just to be a bit of a personality! To be confident and memorable in some way. Which is why I collect vintage dresses and stuff like that. I don't have any really ambitious plans yet though..


sarah_prineas August 14 2009, 02:36:23 UTC
Well stated. Thank you!


fabulousfrock August 14 2009, 03:00:55 UTC
You're welcome!


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