April showers bring May flowers...

May 08, 2011 19:57

Hello, everyone! :D
So, welcome to spring, everyone. (And it's Mother's Day, which is nice)
Alright, so it dawned on me that I hadn't received any emails from our lovely community recently and I thought, eh, why not do something about that, or at least try?
This has been my idea for a while now: Spring Renewal. And since we're in the proper season now, let us enact this and renew and add flowers to our fiction/artsy pasture that we have already.

What I want is everyone to come up with some prompts and for every prompt you post, fill a prompt so we have a nice one-to-one ratio. We'll continue this until June 1st, okay?
I would like everyone to participate as much as possible, and I understand if it can't be done because of work or school (finals can sure be unforgiving, I know), but if you can participate, please do. The more the merrier and the merrier the more we'll draw in for entertainment. :)

I'll post up a prompt-and-fill post in just a moment.

!announcement, !modpost, !spring renewal

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