(no subject)

Feb 10, 2008 02:16

Давненько я не постил Хтоническую музыку.
На сей раз это красноречивое объяснение Верховного Культиста в любви Асенат Армитаж из мюзикла Ктулху "Шоггот на крыше". Печатал на слух, бо лирики найти не удалось в принципе, наклонным шрифтом выделены фрагменты, в которых я не уверен.

Victim of Victims

Head Cultist:
Victim of Victims, Asenath, oh Asenath!
I saw you sitting in that pure
Looked at your eyes, Asenath, oh Asenath!
Loved you more than Cthulhu!
Victim of Victims, Asenath, oh Asenath!
I knew that you would fit the bill
But since Cthulhu must come back and attack
I love one whom must kill!
When Deep Ones die for great Dagon
That is a Sacrifice!
When Whateley reads the Necronomicon
That is for Sacrifice too!
But for all my sacrifices large and small
The most nihilistic one of all
Is when I finally thrust the knife inside
It will be inside my brideeeeeeeee!
Cultist, oh cultist, Paradise of Paradise
You look at me and raise your knife
Cut off my clothes, Paradise, oh Paradise
You take me to be your wife!
When you rip off that codpiece, YES!
I'll be your sacrifice...
When I in my pattern finally get undressed
T'will be my sacrifice too..
But of all our sacrifices small and great
The one that will finally seal our fate
Is the one that blasts our sanity

Хтоническая Музыка, Музыка

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