
Feb 27, 2009 19:25

So after the last thing (which turned out be a scam), and another non-starter, we finally found an apartment ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

tko_ak February 28 2009, 05:01:35 UTC
Awesome. I'm glad you found something to work out.

How did the last one end up being a scam? Or, how did you find out so quickly?

And moving so soon. Is that to avoid having to pay March rent? Good luck with the move. I know how big of a pain in the ass that can be.


fabfemmeboy February 28 2009, 06:26:02 UTC
It's partly to avoid paying rent for March in both homes, and partly because they want to move the new apartment quicker, and if we wait until April there are others who would get the flat instead. Plus it's actually more of a pain if we move in a month because (a) I have more time to panic and (b) it's not enough time to unpack and all that before Passover, when we're hoping to have our first kind of dinner party since we actually have friends we can invite this year.

As for the was a series of things, really. First, it seemed fishy that (a) there was a hold deposit in the first place; (b) it absolutely had to be by Western Union, which has basically nothing in the way of fraud prevention; and (c) the guy was so pushy on it. Then Nicky mentioned it to his family in London and they were concerned because it's been all over the news lately - London-based scammers claiming to have apartments in the US, convince Americans to give them a deposit then take the money and run. All the details matched pretty closely. Then when ( ... )


loseagain February 28 2009, 07:42:36 UTC
I'm out of town until Tuesday or Wednesday but if you are still moving later in the week I can, and would like to help. Of course, all I have to offer is one fairly wimpy body, but it's better than nothing right? I can make muffins!


fabfemmeboy February 28 2009, 17:30:06 UTC
It would be later in the week (like Wednesday night, a little bit Thursday, and most of it would be next Friday, the 6th). We're not exactly buff either, meaning this is going to be fun!


sprig5 March 26 2009, 01:29:38 UTC
how do you like the area? seems kinda full of young republicans, but nice to walk about, and great library. (i work near there bu live in MD. you don't know me. i happened upon you.)


fabfemmeboy March 26 2009, 01:44:08 UTC
The entire town is full of young pseudo-republicans - or at least, they all dress like young republicans, regardless of their actual politics.

We ended up not moving, but the area's definitely nice.


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