Shakespeare in the Park

Oct 15, 2012 09:58

Title: Shakespeare in the Park

Author: Fabfan

Fandom: All My Children

Pairing: Bianca/Frankie

Rating: PGish

Disclaimer: Not my characters.

Summary: This is a glimpse into an alternate world. One where things involving Frankie on AMC occurred differently. What if Frankie Stone wasn’t hit by Erica Kane’s car? What if she wasn’t working for Vanessa? What if she was brought to Pine Valley for another reason? What if she was actually part of someone else’s family? How would life have turned out in Pine Valley for our favorite FAB couple? Oh, the possibilities....

“What are we watching?”

Frankie flopped down onto the sofa, her feet instinctively kicking up onto the coffee table and crossing at the ankles.

“Antique Road Show.”

Frankie’s eyebrow rose incredulously at her sister’s reply, “You can’t be serious.”

But serious she was. The screen flickered with images of old people standing around with old boring looking objects that Frankie was pretty sure she’d seen at a garage sale going for a nickel. The host, or whoever did the appraising, spoke in a dull monotone voice while pointing at the items with a stick like a preschool teacher.

Frankie felt a headache forming already, “Isn’t there anything else on?”

Maggie shook her head, “Nope.”

“Come on, there has to be something. Movies, sports, game shows where people get hit by flying catapults, a man watching paint dry...something.”

Maggie ignored her.

Exhaling loudly, Frankie dropped her feet to the ground and stood up. Rubbing her face, she ambled away, “At least tell me we still have pizza.”

“Jaime ate the rest for lunch.”

Frankie stopped, turned on her heel, and went toward her bedroom, “Reading it is.”

Maggie peered over at her, “JR stopped by and borrowed your notes from class. He said you told him it was ok.”


Frankie redirected again.

“Where are you going?” Maggie asked as her twin grabbed a leather jacket.

“Out.” she shoved her wallet in a pocket and swiped up her keys, “Don’t go too crazy with the tv, now. I don’t want to come home to an Antique Road Show rave.”

The door shut soundly behind her.


Life hated her.

It really did.

The whole day had been one terrible catastrophe after another.

It started with her waking up late and missing her morning class. Then, she’d watched the ATM machine devour her debit card like a damn plastic munching monster. There was a pop quiz in the statistics class she hated...which meant there was a period of thirty minutes where she doodled and wrote down random numbers while having no clue what was going on. She’d missed lunch, and when she got home...there was Antique Road Show.

It didn’t get better when she left.

The bar she normally went to, the one where Joe the bartender knew her by sight and had a drink on the counter before she’d even slipped onto a stool, was closed. Who closed a bar? Didn’t they know there were people who needed somewhere to go at night?

The club she’d sometimes make an appearance at when she had a date who she wasn’t with because of the girl’s excellent conversation skills was locked up for some birthday party. The thought of crashing had entered her mind, but one look at the overly coiffed boys inside had her turning the other way.

So, that’s how Frankie found herself splayed out on the grass in the middle of the park, stargazing. It was actually a perfect night for it. The sky was clear and the park was dark enough that the celestial lights were like crystals on the sea. The grass was nice and soft, the long green strands cradling her head like a pillow. Her hazel eyes lazily roamed the midnight heavens, her mind picking out different constellations.

Ok, maybe life didn’t hate her. Frankie liked to look at the stars. It was one of her hidden joys in life. Not even her sister knew about it. Badass Frankie Stone, the girl who could party all night and seduce a girl with barely a word, was not a stargazer. There was no way she could tell anyone that lying under the stars made her feel something she’d only felt when reciting poetry or...well...something else, but she couldn’t exactly talk about that. Everyone would laugh at her if they knew about that...especially if they also knew about the poetry part.

Thus, Frankie kept it all to herself. The stargazing poetry adoring chick was a closely guarded secret.

As she spotted the north star, a rustling sound echoed in the empty park. Frowning, Frankie planted her hands in the dirt and pushed up to a sitting position. It’d be just her luck the moment she’d finally found something good that day, a late night mugger would stumble upon her.

Glancing around, Frankie didn’t see anyone. Shrugging it off, she settled back down. It was probably just a squirrel or something. Her eyes went back to the sky, and the calm peace once again enveloped her. That was another thing she loved about the stars and poetry and...that other thing. No matter how wild her life got, there was always this peaceful bubble that formed around her whenever she was focused on them. It was like they could somehow block everything else out, and for one brief moment, Frankie could just be...Frankie. No worries. No regrets. Nothing but solitude.

Solitude was nice.

Until it was broken by a foot slamming into her side.

“OW!” Frankie yelped as a toe dug into her ribs. Her hands flew to her side as a voice above her cried out in surprise “AHH!”

Then, a body tumbled on top of Frankie, a knee stabbing into her belly and an elbow nicking her nose.

“Damn it!” Frankie groaned and gasped for air, her nose throbbing and the air knocked out of her. Her eyes shut at the pain.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” the voice spoke again as the body scrambled off of Frankie, “Are you ok?”

Frankie groaned again. Her hands covered her face. Oh man, did she feel blood?

Life did hate her.

It was official.

“Here, let me see.” hands gently clasped her own, “I’m so sorry.”

Frankie fought against the hands. Why couldn’t this person just leave her alone?

“Please,” the voice said softly.

Frankie should have yelled at her. Should have smacked her and given her the one finger salute before telling her to fuck off.

But there was something about that voice.

She didn’t know what that something was, but she listened.

The hands carefully pried away Frankie’s hold, and fingers touched the edge of Frankie’s jaw, tilting her head. “It doesn’t look broken.”

“You a doctor?” Frankie harshly asked, her voice a bit nasally.

“No,” the voice was still gentle, “but there isn’t any blood. We can still go to the hospital, though. We probably should. I’ll call an ambulance.”

Cause that’s what she needed to complete this day - a trip to the hospital. “No, forget about it. I’m fine.” And sounding like she had a sinus infection. Or got punched by Mike Tyson.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, had worse blows than you, Holyfield.” Frankie blinked her eyes open.

And blinked again.

“Hi.” the girl above her smiled shyly.

She blamed her response on the possibly broken nose and punctured lung, “Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?”

The girl’s smile twitched in astonished amusement.

Frankie’s eyes widened as it registered what her mouth had let out, “I mean...hey.”

“What did you say?”

“Hey.” Frankie repeated, playing dumb. She silently prayed the girl didn’t...

“Before that.”

ask that.

“I...uh...” Frankie cleared her throat. Taking a deep breath, she stared straight into beautiful brown eyes, “said who ever loved that loved not at first sight.” Might as well go with it. Not that she could even lie at that moment. Saying anything else to this wondrous creature simply felt...wrong.

If she didn’t know any better, and wasn’t totally hypnotized by that smile, Frankie’d wonder if this was some crazy Midsummer Night’s Dream mind warp. But, she was hypnotized, so the thought didn’t cross her mind.

Not that it would make a difference if it did.

The girl pushed her long hair back behind an ear revealing, a slight blush, “That’s...not something anyone has ever said to me before.”

“It’s from As You Like It.” Frankie cringed. What was wrong with her? “Shakespeare.”

“Oh.” the girl nodded, “It’s really nice.”

“Yeah, it is.” couldn’t she have knocked her out when she fell on her? Save her this humiliation? Antique Road Show sounded so good at that second.

“I’m Bianca.”

“Taming the Shrew.” did she need to tape her mouth shut? Was some strange form of turrets hitting her? “Or Othello,” she meekly finished, “but you seem more like Taming the Shrew’s Bianca.”

“Taming the Shrew?”

Frankie held a hand up, “You’re not a shrew! Bianca..wasn’t the shrew.” She hated herself. Immensely.

Bianca’s smile grew, “You like Shakespeare, don’t you?”

Frankie shrugged, “A little...I guess.”

“That’s cute.”

“It is?”

“Yeah.” Bianca nodded. “Do you know any more?”

Frankie grinned, “"It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear.”

“Where’s that from?” Bianca tilted her head, her body moving closer to Frankie’s.

“Romeo and Juliet.” she breathed out.

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo.” Bianca recited playfully.

Unable to stop herself, Frankie reached out and wrapped her hands around Bianca’s shoulders, pulling her down and pressing their lips together. Her eyes slid closed as calming euphoria filled her veins and took hold of her mind. Bianca’s mouth, warm and wet, slipped against her own, pressing and pulling as hands dove into Frankie’s leather jacket, dragging her closer still.

“God, I missed you.” Bianca sighed as their lips parted. She wrapped her arms around the shorter girl and brushed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, “How long have you been out here?”

“Does it matter?” Frankie turned her head and captured the sweet lips in another kiss.

Bianca’s fingers dug into the soft leather across Frankie’s back, “Maggie told me you went out.”

“Was she still watching that show?”

Bianca nodded and giggled, “She said she’s going to throw a party just so you can see it when you get home.”

Frankie rolled her eyes, her forehead coming to rest against Bianca’s shoulder, “My sister - the Antique Road Show Queen.”

Bianca nuzzled wispy blonde hair, “You smell nice.”

Frankie trailed her fingertips along Bianca’s spine, “You shouldn’t have gone there. Someone could have seen you.”

“I don’t care.” Bianca’s hand curled along the blonde’s lower back, while the other cupped the back of her neck, “I wanted to see you.”

“Someone could see us now.”

“Don’t you dare tell me you take back that kiss.”

Frankie’s breaths puffed against an ivory throat, “And suffer the wrath of a woman scorned? I wouldn’t dare.”


Frankie’s voice lowered, “I gave in first. You know I wanted that kiss.”

Bianca bit her lip, “Kiss me again.” She turned her head and sought out Frankie’s lips. A rough exhale burst out as the blonde dodged her seeking mouth, “Franks.”

Frankie pulled back, and her hands dropped to the grass, “We need to put some distance between us. We can’t do this here.”

Bianca tightened her hold on the girl, forcing her to stay put, “We can and we will.”

Frankie sighed and dropped her eyes. She gently untangled herself from Bianca’s arms and crawled to her feet.

Bianca swallowed angrily, “This is ridiculous.” She stood up, her arms flying into the air, “I’m in love with you! Why are we doing this?” Her palm pressed to the side of her head, “I have to act like my girlfriend is a complete stranger.”

Frankie’s sardonic smirk relayed her answer, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Bianca’s hands fell to her sides, “Frankie...”

Frankie stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets, “I can see the tabloid headlines now - Erica Kane’s Daughter Caught in Secret Lesbian Tryst with Woman Erica Kane Despises.”

Bianca bit her lip hard.

“Or - Bianca Montgomery’s Late Night Booty Calls With Chandler Heir.”

“You’re not a booty call.” Bianca grumbled.

“And I’m not who you want to be outed with.” Frankie rocked on her heels. “You know how it’d look. You work for your mom. Adam is my dad. Yeah, only found out about it a couple years ago, but those fun DNA tests say it’s true. He’s been hinting at me and JR working for him, since Mags is all ER bound. Chandler Enterprises and Enchantment? They hate each other right now. Hell, everyone hates Adam, and they all see me as his little prodigal daughter.”

“You’re not Adam Chandler’s anything. He’s your dad, but that doesn't mean you’re just like him. You and JR can be whoever you want.”

“That’s not how your mom sees it. She sees it like everyone else. I’m the rat con artist willing to do Chandler dirty work like her dear old dad.” Frankie hunched her shoulders, “Think what your mom would say if she found out you sleep with me.”

Bianca ran her hand through her hair, her face red, “I don’t care. I’m tired of hiding. I’m tired of lying. I’m tired of acting like I don’t know you. I’m tired of pretending that when I see you, I don’t want to kiss you or hold your hand. I ran into you tonight, and I have to act like you’re a stranger. There isn’t even anyone around!”

“You’re JR’s friend. You can know me through him but...”

“No, Frankie. Stop. Just stop.” Bianca stepped up to Frankie. Her hands shot out, gripping her hips before the other girl could move away, “I want you. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you. I love how I’m the only one who knows you like Shakespeare and looking up at the stars. How do you think I even found you here?” She tugged Frankie into her, “I don’t care what my mom says. I don’t care if she fires me or...whatever.”

“Bianca, you love your mom. Like, a lot.”

“I know. But I love you, too. And if she can’t handle that, if no one can handle that, then it’s their problem.” She nudged Frankie, “All I want is you, Romeo.”

Frankie chewed on her bottom lip, “JR thinks there’s something going on with us. He’s fine with it.”

“And I don’t think your sister is as blind as you think she is.” Bianca added. “People will support us.”

“I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about you.” Frankie looked up at Bianca, “You said your mom would never accept it. That she doesn’t accept you being gay.”

“She’s just going to have to.”

“And the press? The press will be all over you. That’s not cool Bianca, and you know it. They’ll be worse than dogs. Especially that jerk from the Examiner. Creepy little idiot.”

“Will you be with me?”

“What?” Frankie’s brows knitted, “Of course.”

“Then, I’ll be fine.” Bianca leaned down and kissed her softly.

“Are you sure?”

“I thought you’d love to finally tell my mother.”

Frankie pursed her lips, “As much as I love seeing Erica Kane get shown she’s not god of the universe, she’s still your mom and her approval means a lot to you.”

“You’re also the one who’s been telling me I need to stop worrying about other people. I’m ready for that, Frankie. I’m ready to be who I am and love who I want.” she kissed her again.

As they parted, Frankie smirked teasingly, “That mean you’re coming home with me tonight?” She wiggled her eyebrows, “I got an Antique Road Show party and warm bed just for you.”

Bianca snorted, “Really?”

Frankie shrugged but the smirk fell as she turned serious, “I love you, too. It’s your call.”

“Adam will find out, too.”

“Who cares about Adam. Evil snake can go back under his rock for an hour.” Frankie’s hands found Bianca’s, “I can take care of myself.”

“So can I.”

Frankie brought the back of a hand to her mouth, “Then, let’s go have hot sex in the back of a cop car. I’ll tape it with my phone.”

“Frankie!” Bianca laughed.

“What? Sex tapes are the way to go, Bianca. And the back of the cop car? Totally going to go viral.”

“You take me to the back of a cop car, and I’ll tell Maggie you keep a book of sonnets tucked under your pillow.”

“Done to death by slanderous tongue.” Frankie pulled her towards the gravel path, dramatically placing her hand over her heart.

“Take me home, Romeo.” Bianca shook her head, chuckling.

all my children, one-shots

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