Potions, Dungeons, and Firewhiskey Part 35 (Final Part)

Apr 11, 2011 11:23

Title: Potions, Dungeons, and Firewhiskey
Fandoms: All My Children/Harry Potter
Pairing: Frankie/Bianca
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Um...do you really think I could possibly own any of this?
Spoilers: Nothing really for either All My Children or Harry Potter. Just know the generalities of the Harry Potter World and that Bianca's kinda gay.
Summary: Two Houses Both Alike in Dignity...

Note: We've finally come to it - the final chapter. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around and read this story, and a double thanks to those of you who left feedback. I hope you enjoyed the journey, and don't forget to let me know what you thought of it!

Bianca folded the last of her shirts and put it on top of the already large pile of clothes stacked in her big traveler's trunk. That was it. She was done packing. All her belongings were stowed away and ready to be put on the train back to Platform 9 ¾.

“I can't believe school's done already. It went by so quick.” Erin walked by Bianca, her arms laden down with what would now be old textbooks.

“Me, too.” Dani agreed from her bed. She sat cross legged on the mattress and organized her trove of notes and papers. She made two piles, ones she planned on keeping and ones she would toss.

“Has anyone seen my quill?” Babe's voice called out from her trunk. She'd shoved head in there to look and nearly fell in.

“Did you look in your bag?” Bianca nicely asked.

Babe's head popped up, and she raced around her bed to her school bag. She opened it up and peered inside. After a moment, she triumphantly pulled out her quill, “There it is. Thanks, Bianca!”

Dani and Erin snickered as Bianca shot her friend a smile, “You're welcome, Babe.”

The brunette closed the lid to her trunk and sat down on the edge of her bed. She took in the emptying dormitory. It was the last day of school. In a few hours she'd be on the train back home, leaving the castle behind for the summer months. She couldn't believe it was over so quickly. Sure, there were OWLs and the End of Term Feast to signal that her days of seemingly endless lectures and essays was about to be finished for the year, but it still didn't feel completely real until now. All the Gryffindors had packed their things and were walking around the dormitories and the common room downstairs, bidding their friends goodbye and making sure they had everything prepared to go.

Her mind flashed back to the End of Term Feast. The food had been delicious as always, and all the students were excited and talking with each other. She thought she even caught a glimpse of Simone glancing down the table at her. What really stuck out, though, was Frankie. Of course. Whenever they were anywhere near each other, all Bianca could do was look at her, think about her, love her. So, naturally, while eating her hearty meal and half-listening to the gossip bouncing back and forth between Erin, Dani, and Babe, she'd gazed across the huge room to the Slytherin table. Frankie sat there calmly eating her dinner. She was surrounded by her teammates and a handful of others. The people around her were conversing and laughing. Rich, who was planted on one side of the blonde, jovially elbowed her ribs a few times and pushed at her shoulder, chuckling and drawing her into the discussions. Frankie seemed to remain mostly quiet, but Bianca didn't miss the grin playing at the corners of her mouth that showed she was enjoying herself.

She also didn't miss the moment Frankie looked over at her.

Professor Dumbledore stood at the front of the room, his hands held high to silence the boisterous chatter. Then, he proudly announced that Slytherin had won both the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup for the year. The Great Hall burst into Slytherin colors. Green and Silver tapestries fell from the ceiling, elegant snakes adorning the fabric. The Slytherin table went nuts, the students cheering as if they were back at the quidditch pitch. Bianca heard a bunch of Gryffindors groan and grumble, but she was too caught up clapping and watching the joy across the room.

The Slytherin quidditch teammates were congratulating each other and slapping hands. Rich happily slammed his hand against Frankie's back, and Gary leaned in close to the girl to exchange a few grinning words. The rest of the team and a few others who congregated around the bunch were leaning around the two to shout words of encouragement to the seeker. Frankie, however, wasn't paying attention to any of it. She ignored whatever Gary was saying and barely flinched as Rich nearly knocked her out of her chair. Instead, the second the words left Dumbledore's mouth that Slytherin was the victor for the year, her hazel orbs landed firmly on Bianca. Bianca sent her a cheerful smile and mouthed her congratulations to the Slytherin. Frankie's eyes sparkled and she couldn't hold back the arrogant yet thrilled smirk. Bianca rolled her eyes at the display and mockingly shook her head. Frankie winked, but she couldn't hide the tinge of pride at the edges of her eyes or the way her soft gaze held a tone of almost bashful glee at being able to, in some small way, share this moment with her girl.

Bianca had wanted more than anything to get up and march over to the Slytherin table so she could pull Frankie into a giant hug. Somehow, she found the strength to wait. And wait she did...for about a half hour. The second the both of them stepped out of the Great Hall, Bianca literally pounced on the blonde and wrapped her arms around her. Other students had to weave around them, trying to catch a glimpse of the much talked about couple as they passed. Bianca only held on tighter, their bodies swaying back and forth as Frankie's arms snaked around her waist and returned the embrace. She felt the elated smile against her skin when Frankie tucked her face into the crook of her neck, and she pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head.

“I'm going to miss you all so much.” Babe's voice broke through the memory. Bianca blinked away the images and looked over to see her friend on the verge of tears. Babe wiped at her watery eyes, “You'll all write, won't you?”

“Sure we will.” Bianca assured her. Erin and Dani nodded their agreement, each voicing their pledge to owl her all the time.

“She is right, I am going to miss you guys.” Erin closed the lid on her trunk and looked at the other three.

“Me, too.” Dani joined in. “Maybe we can all get together sometime over the summer like last year.”

“That sounds like fun.” Babe said.

“Sure, I can do that. I'll be going to France for a few weeks with my parents, but after that I don't have anything planned.” spoke Erin

“I don't have any plans.” Babe piped up.

“What about you, Bianca? Any plans?” Dani stood up from her bed and stretched her legs.

Bianca bit her lip at the question. Plans? Not really...only that her girlfriend and the person she loved more than anything was going to be visiting her. “Some.”

“Like what?” Dani probed.

Babe clapped her hands together, “Are you doing something with Frankie?”

Erin and Dani both eagerly turned their full attention to Bianca. They got their answer as a tinge of a blush flared on their friend's cheeks. “She's going to visit me.”

Babe bounced on her feet, “That's great! You two are so cute together.”

“Yeah, we caught you staring at her during the feast last night.” Dani walked over to Bianca's bed where everyone seemed to be congregating. “And that hug. You about squeezed the life out of each other.”

Bianca shrugged at her friends' teasing, “Her house won. I had to congratulate her.”

“You sure did that.” Dani joked.

“Hush.” Babe swatted at her.

“Don't listen to her, Bianca.” Erin added, “She's just jealous that fourth year hasn't hugged her like that, yet.”

“Am not!” Dani rolled her eyes.

“You so are.” Erin pointed a finger at her.

“Well, I saw you following after that quidditch chaser two days ago.” Dani shot back.

Babe skipped up to Bianca and threw an arm around her shoulders, “I'm so happy for you. I'm sure you'll have a great time over break.”

Dani and Erin took a timeout from their banter and looked at the two. Erin shrugged, “Yeah, she seems ok. You know, for a girl... whose Slytherin.”

“Thank you.” Bianca gratefully uttered. It felt really good to have her friends' support. Especially after the fallout from how her relationship with Frankie was discovered.

“So? London? We can meet up there for a weekend.” Dani broke the sentimental moment. The girls huddled around the bed and began to plan.


Bianca slipped out of the common room, the sounds of a game of exploding snap and gut busting laughter echoing behind her. It was getting closer and closer to the time she'd have to head down to the station and board the train. Erin, Babe, Dani, and herself had planned to meet for a weekend in London to shop for next year's supplies and hangout. After that, the friends all hugged and promised to write over the break. They'd been friends for years, but it was always hard to say goodbye at the end of each school year.

Now, though, Bianca felt an urge to wander. She allowed her feet to lead her out of the common room and into the familiar halls of Hogwarts. She lazily meandered around, her mind not on where her feet were taking her. Summer was going to be so much fun. She couldn't wait to have Frankie over. Yes, it was great being able to see her nearly every single day at Hogwarts. They had their own special place, and there were so many memories in these corridors. Merlin, she couldn't even pass by a statue without feeling a slow burning form deep in her belly. But, this would be even better. She'd be able to see Frankie whenever she wanted, and they wouldn't have to worry about mind melting essays or exams. No Potions! Yes! Of course, Bianca was a fan of Frankie as a study partner. Well, she was more a fan of what they did when they weren't exactly studying. More like when they took much needed study breaks. It was amazing how the touch of Frankie's lips against her own could wash away all the horrible ickyness that Potions produced.

They would be able to do so many things when Frankie arrived. First off, Frankie was going to meet her mom and Jack! She knew her parents were looking forward to meeting the person Bianca wrote so much about. Bianca was so excited to see the three of them get together. She knew beyond a doubt Frankie and Jack would take to each other instantly. Jack had always needed someone to share his silly quidditch obsession with, and Frankie was definitely someone he could do that with. Frankie was more obsessed with that sport than anyone Bianca had ever met. Her mom would more than likely drag Frankie along on one of her many shopping trips. By the end of the trip, her mom would be doing everything within her considerable power to dress Frankie in all the latest fashions.

Maybe it was best to make sure she was invited along on this trip. Frankie might need a little...diversion...from her mother's styling skills. Not that Frankie couldn't handle herself, but Bianca wanted to play it safe. Frankie would probably agree. Safety in numbers, right?

Oh, and they could go to Diagon Alley by themselves. Maybe they could even spend a day at Hogsmeade. They could get some fudge and be able to walk around the town for once without having to worry about being caught...or evil wizards wanting to hurt them. Even after the attack, the town still felt special to Bianca. She absently touched the quill charm dangling from her wrist.

Where would Frankie stay when she came over? Would she stay in her room? Bianca felt that slow burn in the pit of her belly brew again. She swallowed at her suddenly dry throat. Sure, they'd fallen asleep in the Room of Requirement numerous times together, and they spent a lot of time with each other over the term, but this was different. This was sharing a room together.

Would Frankie sleep in her bed?

The burning intensified. Bianca felt a surge of heat race through her veins. She blinked and wet her parched lips. Her mind instantly went back to the first time they'd touched each other under their clothing. When they'd done more than kiss and searchingly swipe fingers under the edges of shirts. The first time Frankie cupped her chest, and Bianca had done the same. Would something like that happen? Would they go farther? Did she want to?

Bianca pictured Frankie's face in her mind. That crooked little grin, those mirthful eyes, that windswept hair. She loved her. Her heart pounded in her chest.


Bianca shook her head, warding the thoughts away. With slightly flushed cheeks, she found herself confronted with someone she hadn't spoke to in quite a while.


“Hi, Simone.” her voice came out a tad husky. She cleared her throat.

Simone raised an eyebrow at the tone, “Finished packing?”

Bianca nodded, “Yes, I'm just taking a walk before I have to sit down for a few hours.”

“Same here.” Simone crossed her arms. “How are you?”

“I'm good.” was it just her or was Simone trying to be nice? “How are you?” Maybe Simone wanted to be friends again. Maybe she was finally figuring out Frankie wasn't evil. More people needed to have that revelation.

“Good. Ready for a break from class.”

“Yeah.” Bianca chewed on her bottom lip, “I still think my brain is dead from OWLs.”

Simone nodded.

Bianca took a deep breath. She had to know, “Is there something I can do for you?”

Simone widened her stance, “I heard Stone is visiting you over the summer.”

Merlin, gossip traveled fast in these halls, “I'm really looking forward to it.”

Simone's eyes darkened, “Are you sure you want to put your family in that situation?”

Bianca felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She stood a little taller and stared straight at Simone's unyielding eyes. So much for Simone maybe coming around when it came to Frankie. “What situation would that be? Meeting my girlfriend?”

Simone's eyes narrowed, “She's a Slytherin, Bianca. How can you be so fooled by her? I thought you were smart.”

“I'm not being fooled by anyone, Simone. Frankie is my girlfriend. I love her.”

Simone took a step toward her, “Bianca, she's a snake. She's just like them.”

A bitter chuckle escaped her lips. “Just like them? Like who? The ones who've been attacking her? The ones who've been insulting her?” Simone had to have seen it.

Simone snorted, “She's in Slytherin...”

“And that's all you care about.” Bianca cut her off. “All you care about is the house she was sorted into. You're the one who's just like them. You don't even know Frankie. You won't give her a chance.” Bianca waved her hands, “She's my girlfriend, Simone! I'm in love with her, and she's in love with me. We are together. We hold hands, and hug, and kiss. We study together. I can talk to her about anything and not worry about if she's going to judge me and stop spending time with me because of something as stupid as what house I was sorted into. She was there for me at Hogsmeade. She was there for me afterward, too. She has never done anything to hurt me on purpose, ever. She never will. So, don't you dare start attacking Frankie to me. She has gone through more than you'll ever know and done more for me than you'll ever learn.”

Simone glared at her, “She's a snake.”

“She's a human being.” Bianca stormed past her. “And for your information, my parents can't wait to meet her. You know why? Because they only judge her on her character, not her blood or her sorting. Maybe you should try that sometime.”

With that final parting shot, Bianca left Simone standing there. She furiously stamped down the long corridors, her brain whirling. When were people going to stop being so dumb? Frankie was Frankie. She was arrogant and overly confident. She could be intense and planned way too much. But, she was also sweet and gentle. She was funny, smart, and really good at anything she put her mind too. And the whole Slytherin/Gryffindor thing - so old. Why did Hogwarts even have this stupid sorting thing?

Needing fresh air, Bianca discovered her feet had brought her to the entrance for the Astronomy Tower. Without a word, she crawled up to the landing. As the door shut heavily behind her, she inhaled the warm spring air. Fresh air - that's what Frankie always smelled like. She smelled like fresh air and something totally unique that Bianca could only describe as Frankie. Gulping in the outdoor wind, Bianca felt the frustration seep out of her body. She didn't care what Simone thought. If she was going to worry so much about something as trivial as houses, then so be it. She wasn't going to let her badmouth Frankie, but otherwise, Simone could go get eaten by a dragon for all Bianca cared. Well, not exactly that. She didn't want Simone to get eaten by a dragon...but the idea was the same. As long as she was with Frankie, it didn't matter what anyone else thought.

Calmed, Bianca slowly paced toward the edge of the landing. Gazing out into the baby blue sky, she could see the Forbidden Forest off in the distance. Turning her head, she caught sight of the lake and the oval quidditch pitch. She closed her eyes, the sun's rays heating her face. She recalled the sounds of the roaring crowd as Frankie caught the golden snitch to beat Gryffindor. Frankie was going to be an awesome pro player. What was that team she liked? The Montrose Magpies. What were their colors? Her mother could probably find something with them. Of course, Frankie had to work on new quidditch moves this summer. She was not going to do that crazy one where she pretended to crash into the ground anymore. No ma'am. That was another thing they could do together. She could help Frankie. Not that Frankie needed any help when it came to quidditch, but Bianca had a feeling the seeker wouldn't mind the assistance.

The faint yet still shrill ringing of a train whistle floated amongst the few puffy white clouds. The train was at the station. Bianca opened her eyes. She would be home soon. Sighing, she stepped back from the edge and looked around. A smile came to her face. The Astronomy Tower held a lot of memories. This was where they had their New Year's Eve kiss. She could still remember how confused she was that Frankie was dragging her away from the common room so close to midnight. There was no way she wanted to miss having her first midnight kiss at midnight. But, Frankie had surprised her and brought her up to the Astronomy Tower. Bianca shuffled to where she had been standing when, underneath millions of shimmering stars and constellations, Frankie had kissed her as the clock struck twelve.

That wasn't the first night they had been on this tower together, though. No, that was reserved for the first time they ever spent a night together at all. Bianca blushed at the wording. Not that they spent the night together. They did kiss a lot. It was the first time after their drunken kiss in Hogsmeade at the end of fourth year that they'd done anything together. Bianca had confronted Frankie in the dungeons about what happened, and they'd ended up at the Astronomy Tower.

Twin hands crept around her hips, and Bianca jumped at the startling touch. She spun around to see a rakishly smirking Frankie. “Frankie!” she slapped her shoulder.


Bianca swung her arms around her shoulders, “Stop scaring me like that. Do I have to teach you some manners?” How had Frankie shut the door so she didn't hear it? She mentally snorted. It was Frankie. The girl could probably sneak into the ministry if she wanted to.

“Manners?” Frankie's smirk turned into a grin, “From a troll? How useful.”

Bianca rolled her eyes and curved her palms around Frankie's cheeks. She lifted her face and pressed their lips together, “I missed you.”

Frankie kissed her back.

“How did you find me?” Bianca asked as their lips parted.

Frankie gazed into her eyes softly, “Magic.”

Bianca giggled, “Clever.”

“Always.” Frankie kissed her again.

Bianca fell into the kiss, her mind shutting down and her heart taking over. She gasped as a slippery tongue tenderly smoothed over her bottom lip, allowing it to slide inside. It curled with her own tongue, and she whimpered quietly. A thumb smoothed over her jaw while sparks danced behind her eyelids.

Frankie slowly broke away and rested her forehead against Bianca's, “Also helped the dungeon alcoves were empty.”

Bianca poked her side, causing Frankie to squirm, “You sound so disappointed.”

“Terribly so.”

“I'm not always down there.” only when she had to be.

Frankie hummed noncommittally.

Bianca exhaled and brushed a kiss to her nose, “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” her fingertips traced random patterns over her waist.

“Do you remember the first time we came up here?” she nuzzled her nose against Frankie's temple, inhaling the comforting scent that always permeated the girl's skin. Fresh air and Frankie. Someone should bottle it.

“How could I forget? You made me late for the Hufflepuff match.” Frankie replied.

Bianca pulled back to gaze at Frankie, “I don't remember you complaining.”

Frankie gulped audibly at the sexy sheen in the brown orbs. She blinked rapidly, working to regain her composure. She forced a confident smirk on her face, “My mouth was otherwise occupied at the time.”

Before Bianca could react to the comment, Frankie had pushed up and captured her mouth in a searing kiss she felt all the way down in her soul. She could have sworn her toes curled and her heart stopped beating for the length of the kiss. Just as soon as Frankie ended it, she moved right back in for a second kiss. This one, though, was different. Softer. Gentler. This one was pure love. It amazed Bianca, when she was able to get her mind working again, how much Frankie felt for her. There were so many emotions apparent in the two kisses, and Frankie felt all of that for her.

“I love you so much.” Bianca breathed out as the kiss ended. She rubbed the tip of her nose against Frankie's.

“Yeah.” Frankie whispered.

Bianca melted a little at the dazed voice, and she had to kiss that sweet mouth again. She fused her lips to Frankie's, putting everything she felt at that one moment into the touch. When she broke away, she gazed at Frankie and trailed the pad of her thumb across the small spot right behind the blonde's ear.

It took half a minute for Frankie to even open her eyes.

Bianca muffled her charmed giggle, “Are you all packed?”

Frankie nodded, her throat bobbing as she swallowed thickly, still affected by the kiss, “Should be on the train.”

“Good. Me, too.” Bianca let her hands slide down to entwine with Frankie's. “I can't wait till you come over. Jack's going to be so happy to have someone who actually likes quidditch in the house.” She paused. Quidditch. “Your meeting!” The Slytherins were supposed to meet that morning to name their new captain. She anxiously squeezed Frankie's hands, “How did it go?” Frankie was going to be the best captain ever. “Do you get the patch yet or not till school starts?” The quidditch captains got to wear special patches signifying their importance. “What happened?”

The emotion in Frankie's eyes slowly faded with each word till there was nothing left except for the wall she erected. Well, the wall she tried to erect but Bianca could see past easily.

Bianca trailed off as she noticed the change, “Frankie?”

Frankie peered down at their joined hands.

Oh no. “Honey?” No, this couldn't be happening. It wasn't what she thought. It couldn't be.

Frankie didn't look at her as she spoke evenly, “Muggle-borns don't make Slytherin captains.”

Bianca felt like all the air was knocked out of her. She sucked in air, her eyes widening as she fought to take in the words. “What?” No, Frankie made captain. She had to. That was her dream. “That doesn't make sense.” Except it did for Slytherin.

Frankie shrugged, “Tony Mcnair will be captain.”

“Who? What?” Bianca grasped for any shred of sense.

“He's a sixth year. A reserve beater.”

“Reserve? He didn't even play?” Out of the confusion, anger surfaced. Red hot anger. “How did this happen? Mcnair? Who is that? This is so stupid!” She'd never heard of a Mcnair. He couldn't be one of those that hung around Frankie, could he? “How did Gary or Rich let this happen? The team supports you! They know you're the best player they've got.” She turned toward the door. She was going to find Gary Chancellor and give him a piece of her mind. What had happened? Everyone knew how good Frankie was. Merlin, the night before the entire team was swamping Frankie with praise. How could they vote for someone else?

“Bianca, stop.” Frankie held her in place.

“Frankie, you deserve captain.” Bianca gazed into her eyes. Had she ever seen resignation like this in them before? “How could they not vote for you?” Her anger surged at the way Frankie's mouth drooped. But, right along with it was sadness. She was torn between hunting down Gary and hugging Frankie. So, she did the only thing she could do. She let go of Frankie's hands and wrapped her arms around her. “I'm so sorry. I thought the team was with you. Merlin, Frankie.”

Frankie carefully pushed at her until she could look at Bianca's face, “It's not the team's fault.”

“What?” of course it was. There was no way Frankie was going to defend and stand up for people who literally screwed her over. If Frankie wasn't going to do something, she was. She didn't have to worry about any house backlash. She'd make them all listen if she had to tie them down.

Frankie swallowed, “The Head of House picks the captain.”

The Head of House?


Bianca couldn't believe it. Professor Snape was the Slytherin Head of House. She hated that man. “Snape did this? Snape chose that...person instead of you?” It just had to be Snape. He was evil incarnate.

Frankie firmly held onto Bianca's sides. “The team talked to him, but it was his choice. He chose a pureblood.” A pureblood who didn't support a muggle-born when it came down to choosing sides.

“We need to talk to Dumbledore.” Bianca looked at Frankie, “He can't do this. It isn't fair. You should be captain. You're the best player in this school. He'll talk to Snape. He'll do something about this.”

“Rein in the white horse.” Frankie tightened her grip, “Bianca,” she waited till the brunette was looking into her eyes, “it's ok.”

“Ok? This is not ok, Frankie.” Bianca pressed a hand to Frankie's cheek, “This is what you want. You want to be captain. You've always wanted this. To become captain, then pro.”

Frankie tilted into the touch, “I don't need it.”

Bianca bit her lip.

Frankie cautiously removed one of her hands from Bianca's waist and rested it on top of the hand on her face, “I can make pro without it. I'm good enough. I don't need captain.”

Bianca exhaled at the confident words. Frankie believed that. So did Bianca, “But you wanted it.”

Frankie curled her hand with Bianca's and dropped them both to her side, “I will still make pro. I can do it.”

“I know you can.” she sighed, “I love you so much. More than anything.”

Bianca knew without a doubt Frankie had to be hurting about this. It had to be so painful to not get captain. How could she be so calm about this? Then, it came to her. What she'd witnessed after her Potion's Owl. Frankie had said she knew what to expect. Gary said her candidacy was iffy. Frankie must have known this was going to happen. She knew, and she still chose to go through with everything.

Frankie ducked her head, “I love you, too.” She unconsciously rubbed her thumb along the back of Bianca's hand, “I'll, uh, have more free time next year now to spend with you.” She angled her head slightly, “I like that.”

But Merlin, she still made Bianca's heart jump. She nudged Frankie's chin until the blonde was peering up at her with those beautiful eyes. She brought their mouths together. Frankie leaned into her, accepting the comfort Bianca provided. They stood there, kissing and holding each other, strengthening their bond and assuring themselves of what they had.

When they finally parted, Bianca tucked a loose strand of golden hair behind Frankie's ear. She traced the shell of the ear and tickled the side of her neck, “We should get to the train.”

Frankie nodded.

Bianca offered her a warm grin, “I can't wait to take you home.” Take her somewhere where she would be accepted without question or malice.

Frankie turned her head to look out toward the distant forest, “Your parents are still ok with me visiting?”

Bianca kissed her cheek. “Yes, they are really excited to meet you. I think my mom's already mapped out a shopping spree.” Someone should not look this cute, yet Frankie did. “Jack's working on getting us really good seats for the World Cup. He said something about even introducing you to the minister of that department you want to work for.”

“Magical Games and Sports.” Frankie reminded her. She inhaled deeply, “He doesn't have to.”

“He wants to.” she bumped their hips, “He's almost more excited about this than you are.”

Frankie bent her head and pursed her lips. Bianca felt herself begin to turn into a pile of goop. Merlin, was Frankie nervous? She looked so adorable. “They're going to love you. They already kind of do.”

“They don't know me.”

Was that bashfulness? Bianca loved this girl, “Yes, they do. I write about you enough, and we've written to them together before. I've told them so much about you.”

“Stalker.” Frankie joked lightly.

Bianca squealed internally as Frankie looked at her with that charming crooked grin. She tugged at their joined hands, “Come on, before the train leaves.”

“We'll be stuck here alone. How dreadful.” Frankie allowed herself to be led to the door.

Bianca swung their hands between them. This would be only the second time they sat together on the train. The first time being when they were eleven years old and not knowing what lay ahead for them. When she didn't know that the scrappy little girl she'd helped through to Platform 9 ¾ would end up being the love of her life. “Hurry up. I'll buy you a chocolate frog on the train.”

She burst into laughter at the horrified look on Frankie's face.

all my children, potions dungeons firewhiskey

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