Potions, Dungeons, and Firewhiskey Part 30

Mar 17, 2011 11:55

Title: Potions, Dungeons, and Firewhiskey
Fandoms: All My Children/Harry Potter
Pairing: Frankie/Bianca
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Um...do you really think I could possibly own any of this?
Spoilers: Nothing really for either All My Children or Harry Potter. Just know the generalities of the Harry Potter World and that Bianca's kinda gay.
Summary: Two Houses Both Alike in Dignity...

“I heard the Death Eaters were fake. It was all some elaborate prank set up by the Quibbler.”

“The Quibbler?”

“Death Eaters are real. They’re in our History of Magic textbook. I looked them up when we got back.”

“I heard they were sent by Drumstrang Academy because they’re still mad they lost to us in the last Tri Wizard tournament.”

“Did you see their faces? Those masks?”

“Yeah, I fought back. The whole lot of us did.”

Voices rang out in unison, the entire Gryffindor common room abuzz with excitement, confusion, and rumor. Everyone who had been at Hogsmeade when the attack happened, and even those who weren’t, all seemed to have an opinion on what exactly took place in the tiny nearby town.

“Yeah, it said the Death Eaters were some big evil group a long time ago.” Dani leaned forward in the cushiony chair. She, Erin, Babe, and Simone were perched in a circle, having dragged the chairs together near one of the red tinged tapestries.

“You actually read the textbook for Binn’s class?” Erin looked amused.

Dani shot her a look, “Like you’re one to talk. You’ve been reading that thing every night since last month.”

“For OWLs.” Erin frowned. “I remember reading about the Death Eaters, though. They’re pure evil. They tried to take over the world or something. They killed a bunch of witches and wizards. They killed muggles, too.”

“Yeah, and they were all from Slytherin.” Simone joined in. Her voice was hard and unforgiving, “Did you see those snakes during the battle? Most just stood and watched. They probably helped plan it.”

“They wouldn’t do that.” Babe spoke up.

Simone glared at her.

Erin crossed her arms, “Most of the Death Eaters were from Slytherin, though. That’s what the book said. Their leader was one.”

“He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.” Dani intoned quietly.

Simone blinked, “I thought he was a myth my parents talked about when they wanted me to be good.” Her jaw twitched, unable to hide the twinge of fear the name invoked.

Erin shook her head, “He was real.”

“So evil his name isn’t even spoken.” Dani swallowed. “The books don’t even write down his name.”

“And he was a Slytherin.” Simone snorted. “I told you they were all evil.”

“He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named killed countless people. Only Dumbledore was more powerful than him.” Erin recalled from her readings. “What if he’s back? They said he died, but what if he didn’t?” Her pitch ticked up at the end, the trickle of worry showing itself.

“He’s not back.” Simone shook her head. “It would have been in the Prophet.”

“His followers are.” Dani’s gaze darted between her friends. “Those were real Death Eaters. I remember my parents talking about them once when I was really young. They said most of the Death Eaters were in Azkaban, but some were never caught or weren’t convicted. They were scared.”

Simone folded her arms defiantly, “The ministry will take care of these Death Eaters. As for the Slytherins, they’re nothing but a group of losers. If they join, they’ll be put in Azkaban too. It’s where they belong, anyway.”

“It’s not where all of them belong.” Babe clasped her hands in her lap.

Simone tilted her head, “You cannot be serious.”

Babe lifted her eyes from her hands to stare at her friend, “You didn’t see everyone.”

“I didn’t have to.” Simone’s voice rose. “What is wrong with you? Merlin, what about Bianca? Our friend is in the hospital wing because of these Death Eaters! Those Slytherins did nothing to help her!”

Babe wet her lips and pushed her hands harder together, “One of them did.” She looked past Simone.

Simone followed her gaze and peered over her shoulder. Bianca Montgomery stepped gingerly though the entrance to the common room.


Bianca was a jumbled mess of emotion. She was tired yet felt wide awake. Words and questions ricocheted around in her head like an errant spell. She wanted nothing more than to go back to the Room of Requirement and curl up against Frankie. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she could feel phantom arms holding her tightly. Ghostly lips brushed softly across her skin. Merlin, so much had happened. What Dumbledore said about the attack, what it could mean for Frankie, it set her on edge. Her flesh prickled at the thought of it all. She just wanted to be with Frankie. She wanted to be happy and in love. She had been. They had been. They loved each other. Everything was going great. Now, what did this mean?

If only she could have spent more time with Frankie. Even one more minute in her arms would have been a gift. But, ever since the Hogsmeade incident, the staff at Hogwarts had become much more diligent about security. It was nearly impossible to sneak around at night, and they would know if one of the students was gone from their dormitory. Frankie had walked as far as to the portrait of the fat lady that covered the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. They’d held hands the entire way, neither willing to let go. But, they had to eventually. Frankie was still a Slytherin and not allowed into Gryffindor. It was strange how heart-wrenching leaving Frankie alone in the hallway had been. They would see each other soon, and it wasn’t like they never had to say goodnight before. Usually Frankie didn’t even leave their room with her. But, at this moment, Bianca didn’t want to be away from Frankie at all.

Her feet begged to turn around and march right back after Frankie. She couldn’t be far. Even if she had somehow made it all the way to the dungeons, Bianca would follow her anyway. She didn’t care. She just wanted to kiss her again. She wanted to tell her she loved her one more time.

More than anything, she wanted to go back to a few days ago. Back when there were no stupid Death Eaters or infirmary visits. Back when all she worried about was whether to study another hour for OWLs or make-out with Frankie.

With a blink, she came out of her thoughts and lifted her eyes. Taking in the room with its warm welcoming atmosphere, Bianca bit back a gasp as she was suddenly confronted by her four best friends.

“Bianca! You’re back!” Babe delightedly threw her arms around the brunette. They swayed back and forth in the hug, “We were so worried.”

“How are you?” Dani asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Are you ok?” Erin asked at the same time.

Bianca offered them all a small smile, “I’m ok.” It might not be her girlfriend, but it felt really good to have her friends there. She’d been so worried about all of them at Hogsmeade. Thank Merlin none of them were hurt.

“Pomfrey wouldn’t let anyone in to see you.” Dani rolled her eyes.

“We tried, but she made us leave.” Babe pulled back with a pout.

“You missed a day, but we made sure to take notes for you.” Erin said.

“Thanks.” Bianca nodded politely at that. Her tone changed, “How are you guys? I was so worried about you.”

“We’re ok. You were the only one who got hit.” Erin answered.

Dani nodded, “Dumbledore was furious.”

“I was trying to find you all.” Bianca explained.

“Us or your snake?” Simone’s voice rang out like a canon shot.

The entire room went quiet.

Bianca’s head swiveled around to stare at the other girl, “What?” What had she said?

Erin and Dani awkwardly stepped back to stand beside Simone.

Simone coldly rolled her eyes, “Don’t play dumb, Bianca. Everyone knows.”

Bianca felt a chill go up her spine, “Knows what?” What had she missed? She looked around to see every Gryffindor watching her intently, listening for her response. For her explanation.

Simone took a step forward, “What are you doing with Frankie Stone?” She said the name like it was vile and dirty.

Bianca felt the air leave her lungs and her mouth dropped open in shock. Frankie?

Simone grit her teeth, “What did she do? Put you under a spell? The imperious curse so she could control your mind?” The curse was dark magic forbidden by the ministry.

Bianca quickly regained her voice at the accusations, “What are you talking about?”

“Did she threaten you?”

“Frankie would never threaten me.” Bianca replied firmly. “She would never hurt me.” She internally shook her head. So, this was how it came out. After all this hiding and secrecy, this was how she would tell them.

So be it.

“Then, you want to tell us what’s going on?” Simone held out her arms to indicate the whole common room, “Because Stone’s a…”

“Girl.” Erin blurted out.

Everyone looked at her.

“What? She is.” Erin’s eyes widened. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that…necessarily. I just…didn’t think you were like that. Or something.”

Simone growled, “She’s also a Slytherin.”

“Yes, she is.” Bianca agreed. “But she’s not who you think she is.”

“What? A lying snake? An arrogant jerk?” Simone angrily waved a hand, “We’ve all seen what kind of person she is, Bianca. What I want to know is what happened to make you forget that.”

“I didn’t forget anything.” Bianca stood her ground, “You don’t know her, Simone.”

“Yes, I do. Everyone knows her.” Simone spat. “She’s just another snake. She’s bad, Bianca. She’s as evil as the rest of them.”

“You don’t know her. You’ve never talked to her.”

“I think her jinxing me was enough talk!”

“You’ve gone after her just as much as she’s gone after you.” Simone was the one who confronted Frankie with a horde of older Gryffindors. Frankie had never even lifted her wand then.

Simone laughed humorlessly, “Defending her now? I cannot believe you are defending that loser.”

“She’s not a loser, and she’s not evil.” Bianca’s mind spun as she battled for an idea, a way to make her friend see reason. “Just talk to her. If you got to know her…”

“Got to know her?” Simone cut her off. “I’ve gotten to know enough. This whole school knows what kind of witch she is. Clearly you’re the only one who doesn’t get it.” She swung her arms around, “What would your parents think?”

“My mom and Jack like Frankie. They don’t care about what house she’s from.”

“Then your parents don’t know her. She’s gone after all of us since our first day here.”

“She’s right, Bianca.” Dani chimed in. “Stone hasn’t been anything but mean to anyone who wasn’t a Slytherin.”

“You’re an idiot if you think she’s anything but a first class jerk.” Simone took another step forward.

“If you gave her a chance….”

“A chance? Like she gave that Hufflepuff she made crash into the ground during quidditch? Or she gave me when she turned me yellow? You know what Slytherins are like. There’s a reason she’s there.” Simone exhaled sharply, “I can’t believe you lied to us. All this time we’ve been looking out for you, and you’ve been lying!”

“I was going to tell you guys.” Bianca bit her lip. “I’ve wanted to tell you.”

“When? Better yet, when did you think this was going to be ok? Bianca, Stone is the worst person I’ve ever met. She’s cruel. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s one of those Death Eaters.”

Bianca felt something snap inside, “Don’t EVER say that again!” She closed the distance between her and Simone, “Frankie is not evil or cruel. She’s not bad. She is not a Death Eater. Don’t ever say that again.”

Simone sneered, “Frankie would curse a baby given the chance.”

Bianca saw pure red. She didn’t even know she was moving until her hands clenched around Simone’s shirt and she was pushing the shorter girl back, “Shut up!” She breathed heavily, “Frankie is not like that! She’s not evil!” She shoved Simone away from her and the girl stumbled a few steps. “I’m not going to let you talk about her like that. This is…” she ran a hand through her thick hair, “I wanted to tell you all. I wanted to tell you so much.”

Then, it was like something clicked and it all became clear. An incredulous chuckle erupted from Bianca’s lips. “I wanted to tell you I had met this fantastic person and we were together. I wanted to tell you that I was so happy, that she made me happy. That being in her arms is the best feeling in the world, and that with one look she can make me laugh. I wanted to tell you, all of you, that I’m in love.”

There was a collective gasp in the room.

Bianca looked around at all the faces, “I love her. There’s nothing wrong or bad about it. I’m not ashamed, and I’m sure as hell not afraid of it. And, you know what? She loves me back. Yes, I am in love with Frankie Stone and she loves me.”

Simone shook her head as Erin and Dani blinked owlishly, “If there was nothing wrong about it, you would have told us.”

“I wanted to. But, Frankie told me not to.”

“Because she’s planning on hurting you. This is probably some big prank she’s planning with her friends.”

“No, it’s not.” Bianca spoke loudly. “You want to know why she told me not to? She said you would treat me differently. She said you’d start acting differently towards me because of her, and she didn’t want that. She was trying to protect me, and I thought she was crazy. But, she was right. She’s been right this whole time.” Bianca looked at Simone, “You found one letter she wrote to me, and there wasn’t even anything intimate about it. But, you still went after me. Then, you went after her. She knew you’d react like this, and she tried to protect me from it. She wanted me to still have my friends, because you can’t, for some reason, understand that two people can fall in love.”

“She’s a Slytherin!”

“She’s a human being!” Bianca countered. “She’s a witch just like you and me.” She wiped at her watery eyes, “Everyone is judging her. You never gave her a chance at all. The first day she got here she was sorted into a house, and because it was Slytherin everyone stopped caring.” They were no better than Frankie’s housemates who judged her because of her blood. Frankie had no control over either.

“Bianca,” Erin spoke up feebly, “she hasn’t exactly been the nicest person out there.”

“Would it have mattered if she was?” Bianca raised an eyebrow. “You would still say she’s a Slytherin.” This house thing was so stupid. She hated it.

“You did the same thing.” Dani pointed out.

“Yes, I did.” Bianca glanced at her, “Then, I started talking to her. She’s a great person. She’s funny and smart. She’s amazing.”

Simone snorted.

Bianca turned her head, “All I cared about was telling you guys. We argued about this so much because she knew what was going to happen. She knew! But, I told her you just needed to get to know her. That once you talked to her, you would see what I did. But, you won’t even do that.” Bianca inhaled deeply, “All I thought about for so long was letting everyone know about us. I just wanted to say it. But,” Bianca breathed out, “it doesn’t matter.”

“What doesn’t?” Erin asked quietly.

“It doesn’t matter who knows.” Bianca felt like a fog she didn’t even know was there had been lifted. “It doesn’t matter if you know or my mom and Jack know. It doesn’t matter if this whole castle knows.” She smiled and blinked at the gaggle of tears that formed at the corner of her eye, “As long as Frankie knows that I love her, that’s all that really matters.”

“Bianca,” Dani started.

“No, Dani.” Bianca held up a hand. “I love her. She’s the only one I want to say that to, and she’s the only one who really needs to know.” Her voice wobbled slightly, “I was with her in Hogsmeade. I was next to her, and then we got separated. I thought I lost her. I thought she got hexed.” She took a shaky breath, “All I could think was that I had to find her. I had to hold her and tell her one more time how I feel.”

Bianca lowered her hand, “You might not understand, but you don’t need to. All you need to do is respect that I’m with someone I love. I don’t want to hide, but I don’t need your approval either.” Did she want her friends to get to know Frankie? Yes. Did it matter if they did? No. She didn’t need them to say it was ok or that they liked Frankie finally. She just needed Frankie. “I’m not going to argue with you about her. I’m done worrying about who knows what and who thinks what. We both are. I’m in a relationship with the most important person in the world to me. That’s all I care about.”

Bianca flinched as a hand wrapped around her elbow. She peeked over to see Babe at her side, where she’d been the whole time, “I’m happy you found someone you love, Bianca.”

“Thank you.” Bianca swallowed thickly.

Babe nodded and looked over at their friends, “We all are.”

There was a murmur amongst the crowd.

Erin shrugged and looked at Dani, “Stone is kinda cute…for a girl, I guess.”

Simone stamped her foot, “You’re insane.”

Bianca grinned wetly, “Frankie says the same thing, but she loves me anyway.”

The murmur rose.

Babe began to nudge Bianca toward the stairs that led to the dormitories, “Come on. I want to hear about how you two started.”

The crowd parted as the duo walked to the stairs.

Gryffindor was mostly silent to Bianca the following day. Babe stayed at her side, filling the empty air with ramblings about articles her parents had sent her from the Quibbler and gossip about her plans for summer break. Bianca was grateful for her friend’s presence. Simone was avoiding her like the plague. Dani and Erin shot her confused glances, but hadn’t said a word to her all day. It hurt that her house was acting like this, but all it took was the flash of blonde hair and a crooked grin in her mind and it was strangely better. She still had Frankie. The others might not understand right now, but she loved Frankie and nothing was going to change that.

She got weird looks as she walked in the hallways with Babe. The entire school knew about her and the Slytherin seeker. Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins all sent her looks and whispered as she walked by. In class, whenever she looked up from the notes she was scribbling, she encountered a pair of eyes glued to her. It was unsettling to say the least. Then, of course, her brain kept going to Frankie and this new situation. What was that saying? When it rain it poured. Not only was their relationship now out in the open and people thought she was crazy, there was a group that wanted to get rid of Frankie because of who her parents were. And she didn’t even have class with Frankie that day! It sucked. So, along with images of white skull masks dancing across the backs of her eyelids and random kids whispering behind her back, she couldn’t even look across the classroom to see that comforting smirk and skewed tie.

Merlin, she was sixteen! Couldn’t they have just encountered something simple like…getting caught making out by a professor…or something? She’d gone to breakfast with Babe that morning and Opal had shown up with a letter from her mother. She’d written hastily, wondering how she was and vowing to come to Hogwarts and make sure her baby was ok herself. Bianca quickly wrote back that she was fine and for Erica to stay at home. And her mother, her dear sweet shopaholic mother, had asked how Frankie was. Bianca could have offered to go on a thousand shopping trips with her after reading that. Her mom wanted to know how her girlfriend…friend according to Erica…was. The letter made her feel slightly better about everything.

There was another bright spot to the day, too.

Her sly little seeker had memorized her schedule. She didn’t know when Frankie became an expert at finding her, but she had. Whenever Bianca exited a classroom, Frankie inevitably showed up. Sometimes they only had time to share a quick reassuring glance. One time they didn’t even have time for that, with Frankie’s next class clear across the castle. Bianca knew that her girl ended up being late for Transfiguration, but she had a feeling Frankie didn’t really care. McGonagall would, but what was a detention when they got to see each other. Then, there were the times they actually got to get close to each other. The whole world seemed to watch as Frankie wordlessly approached, her face blank but her eyes telling Bianca every thing she needed to hear.

A few times when they got close, all they could do was brush hands and share a glimmering smile. Once, however, Bianca stopped in front of Frankie. It was right before lunch. The bell had rung and students were rushing to the Great Hall. But, the hustle and bustle seemed to slow down near the couple. Babe and Gary stood off to the side on opposite ends, one watching with glee the other caution as Bianca stood before Frankie.

“Hi.” Bianca greeted, her voice surprisingly raspy. Merlin, she wanted to wrap her arms around her and never let go. She wanted to bury her nose in the soft skin and breathe in the comforting scent of fresh air, let herself forget about everything else that had happened and just…be with the person she loved.

“Hey.” Frankie replied lowly. After a second she casually stretched out her hand at her side.

Bianca’s lips spread into a full blown teeth gleaming grin as Frankie’s finger traced the quill charm dangling from her wrist. “I miss you.”

Frankie’s mouth twitched, “Everything ok?”

Bianca nodded, “It will be.” She let her gaze roam over the beautiful face, “You?” She looked so worn down. Had she slept?

Frankie’s finger trailed up to run along the silver bracelet, “I miss you too.”

Sweet, but she didn’t answer the question, “Honey?” She found she liked calling Frankie that - almost as much as cutie.

Frankie’s mouth quirked up a fraction, “Your friend is…bubbly.”

Bianca rapidly tilted her head to see Babe practically bouncing in place as she watched them. She turned back to Frankie, “She’s happy for us.”

“A fan…lovely.” Frankie let her hand slip back to her side, “You should get lunch. Pomfrey said to not skip meals.”

“Don’t tell me Frankie Stone is listening to authority.” Bianca mocked. She moved a tiny step forward. Her body tingled where the wisps of grey on their sweater vests brushed.

Frankie’s mouth lifted higher, “I suppose we could stand here and be stared at like animals in a zoo. Or trolls. Trolls are used to that.”

Bianca rolled her eyes. She tugged playfully at the crooked tie, that lopsided grin making her forget anything else, “We could give them a real show.”

Frankie’s grin drooped, “Someone might think I’ve corrupted you.”

“Too late for that.”

Frankie didn’t blink and lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, “You need to be careful.”

Bianca lost her smile, “Frankie?”

Frankie took a step back, “Not everyone is a fan.”

Bianca’s hold on her tie halted her from moving any farther, “I don’t care if anyone is.”

Hazel eyes bore into her, and she met the look head on. She could see the worry and twinge of vulnerability swirling in the depths. Inhaling sharply, she flicked her thumb over the twisted green and silver striped knot as Frankie’s voice rumbled, “They do.”

The tip of her finger glided over the silver and gold chain, “I’m with you. I’m not changing that. I won’t.”

“Neither am I.” Frankie leaned into her touch. “You need to eat.”

“So do you.” Had Frankie eaten breakfast that morning? “Will I see you after?”


“Well, you have been appearing outside every classroom I’m in.” Bianca smoothed out the tie and let her hand fall beside her.

“Your stalking abilities have been rubbing off. Terrible influence.” There was that spark of mischief in her gaze.

“You or me?”

Frankie took another step back and shot her an affectionate look.

Bianca bit her lip as the body slid further away from her. She couldn’t stop herself, and she wouldn’t even if she could, from reaching out and snagging the stiff white sleeve of Frankie’s shirt. Frankie silently peered down at the nimble fingers. Her jaw worked as she pushed down whatever was bubbling up inside. Bianca tugged until Frankie was flush against her.

“I love you.” Bianca lowered her head and brushed her mouth against Frankie’s ear. She slung her arms loosely around the thin waist.

Bianca felt her heart skip as the reply slipped into her ear, only meant for her, “I love you, too.”

Bianca sighed and watched the girl disentangle from the hold and slowly walk away, Gary at her side. It took every ounce of will she possessed to not grab the blonde’s hand and drag her to their place.

She didn’t notice all the curious stares and mutterings.


Bianca sat at the Gryffindor table. Dinner was made up of another filling feast of roast beef, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, peas, carrots, and apple pies. Bianca played with the pile of peas on her plate, scooting the tiny green balls around the edge and into her dollop of mashed potatoes. Butter melted on top of the potatoes and ran like miniature rivers down the sides and onto the roast beef.

Babe sat beside Bianca, munching on spoonfuls of carrots and happily sipping at her pumpkin juice. Erin and Dani had silently shown up and sheepishly sat down on her other side, filling their plates with food and engaging in gossip. Simone was at the other end of the long table, sitting next to her boyfriend and shooting looks down the table at the three. The rest of Gryffindor ate and talked amongst themselves, sharing glances and peeking at Bianca every so often.

Bianca ignored them, instead focusing her attention across the room on the Slytherin table. She snagged her bottom lip between her teeth and felt her stomach clench at the unfolding scene.

It only took her a moment to spot Frankie.

The blonde was carefully eating her dinner, nodding along to whatever Gary was saying from his perch beside her. Rich sat on her other side, but he wasn’t laughing jovially and slapping backs like he usually did. Instead it was like he was playing sentinel. A few more people Bianca recognized from the quidditch team huddled on the other side of the table, and a few girls Bianca recalled seeing Frankie walk with in the corridors between classes earlier in the year rounded out the group. A few stragglers found their way to that end of the table, but only a few handfuls.

Then, there was the other side.

It was obvious to any observer what was happening.

Slytherin was divided.

There were those who chose to sit next to Frankie, and there were those who chose not to.

“What’s going on over there?” Dani asked as she pricked a piece of meat with her fork. The ominous air could be felt all around the expansive room.

“Guess they don’t like a Slytherin dating a Gryffindor much either.” Erin poured more juice into her cup.

Bianca kept her eyes on Frankie. The other girl wasn’t showing any emotion. Her face was a blank slate. It was like nothing was happening at all. But, unlike before, there were no nods of acknowledgment as people walked by or cursory congratulations on a job well done during the quidditch matches. That beautiful sexy smirk of hers never appeared. Maybe others couldn’t, but Bianca could also see the slight tension in the shoulders and around the eyes. She peered closer, actually leaning forward in her seat. Frankie’s eyes were subtly taking in the entire table, the entire room.

Oh, Frankie.

Bianca jumped as a finger poked her arm. She turned to face Babe, “What?”

Erin snorted, “With the way you stare, I can’t believe no one caught on.”

Bianca blinked, “People see what they want to see.” That sounded familiar.

“What I see is you unable to not look at Stone.” Dani shrugged.

Erin nodded, “It would be funny if, you know, it wasn’t her.” She quickly added, “Not that I’m saying anything about that.”

“Frankie isn’t a bad person.” Babe chewed on a bite of potato.

Bianca glanced at her, “Thank you.” For saying that and calling her Frankie. No one else wanted to call her by her first name for some reason.

Babe set her spoon down and reached for her juice, “I was there at Hogsmeade. I saw what she did.”

Ok, that caught Bianca’s attention, “What she did?”

Babe took a few swallows of the sweet liquid, “Yep, I saw the whole thing.”

Bianca found herself spinning to face Babe, “What did you see?” Frankie hadn’t said anything about what she did in Hogsmeade.

Babe set her cup down, but her eyes stayed on it. She collected her thoughts, wanting to tell the story right before answering. “I was at the Three Broomsticks when it all started. I ran outside. I was next to Dervish and Banges when I saw you running through the street yelling for Frankie. I was going to join you, but then you fell down. One of the Death Eaters was behind you and stunned you.”

Bianca remembered that. That had been one of the scariest minutes in her life, not knowing if Frankie was alive or dead. A tiny shiver crept down her spine.

Babe picked up her fork, “Then, it was like…wow.”

“Wow?” What did that mean?

Babe nodded, “Frankie came running out of the crowd. She pushed people out of her way like they weighed nothing. I never saw someone run so fast. She started throwing out spells, and nothing could stop her. She hit the Death Eater who jinxed you, and then a couple more showed up. She fought them like they were first years. She took them all on all by herself and it didn’t faze her at all. I never saw anything like it before. It was kinda like when the dueling club existed, except it was her versus a bunch of other people…who were in masks…and older.”

Babe paused and Bianca held her breath. Frankie had taken them on by herself? For her?

Babe began to speak again, “Then, they must have figured out it was dumb to go after her, because no one else showed up. She…once they were all gone from there, Frankie ran up to you. She fell down next to you, and she kind of picked you up and held you.”

Bianca felt a lump form in her throat. Oh, Frankie.

“She was kneeling on the ground and holding you. She started crying and saying your name a lot.” Babe paused, “It was really weird. Frankie is…Frankie. She’s, you know, that person. I’ve never seen her like that before.”

“Like what?” Bianca whispered, the picture of a sobbing Frankie entering her mind.

Babe hesitated, “Like she lost control or something. When she came running from the crowd, she was scary. Then, when she went up to you, it was like one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.” Babe waved her fork, “I’ve never seen her like that. She’s usually so…there…you know. She’s kind of quiet and doesn’t show much. Well, she showed a lot then. She didn’t leave your side at all. When Dumbledore and the other professors showed up to take you back here, she went with you. She never even let go of your hand.”

Bianca gulped and gazed over at Frankie. Hazel eyes peeked up and locked on her brown. She flashed a reassuring smile at the Slytherin.

“That’s when everyone found out about you guys.”

Oh, Frankie.

all my children, potions dungeons firewhiskey

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