So I realised a little while ago that I didn't have a badass LJ icon.
I do now, courtesy of Bleach.
Mmm, oversized swords and gratuitous awesome. Mind you, I've only watch the first 70-odd of the 250 episodes so far. Anyway, the new icon in question is Renji, who manages to be totally adorkable and yet still be badass *shrugs* It works
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Comments 10
There's also, if you're up to it, a short term at my bellydance school in Brunswick coming up in Novemeber. It's 5 weeks of beginner's classes. I'll be there with Nikki for the Wednesday night class if you're interested in just doing something for fun.
Hmm, does your belly dancing studio have a website, or a way I can get more info? Colour me interested :)
Teh classes start on 9th Nov. We're doing the 7.45 - 8.45pm class and it's $80 for the 5 weeks. Usually terms are 10 weeks but she had a baby recently and won't let Ara (the male teacher) do basic classes.
Also, Dance world studios in South Melbourne has jazz at all levels.
There may be a few more studios around the place that does it.
Touch not the cat bot the glove!
Also, wanna drink with us tomorrow night?
Nah, the magic GP is on Saturday and so Friday early evening I'll be playing a last-chance-qualifier for bonus points, then getting some much needed rest!
Drinks next Friday! (as well, if you like :) )
Also, the ladies invitational seems to be constructed, so I don't think that I will attend as I don't have a deck :S
Anyway, good luck with your qualifier!
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