After a Moderate Hiatus

Mar 19, 2008 00:35

Apologies for, yet again, disappearing into the wide blue yonder. 
Not quite so blue and some stormy seas were fared, but calm tides beckon just beyond the horizon.

While I complete the remaining drabble(s) still under works,  a brief piece, based on madam Saniika's "awkward" image.  Such a lovely work of art deserves better and I shall strive to write something competent.

Not quite "drabble" this one. Perhaps I've sunk even lower...Alas...

Fun With V and Evey - Awkward


Evey let the cards fall from her hands and her eyes went immediately to the mask, smiling at her from across the table, V's cards plain for her to see, a clear win over her hand.
How in the hell had he done that? Evey was beside herself in surprise and panic.
There was no way out of it, nothing she could possibly think of.
Whenever he lost (and he lost so rarely) she'd held him to his word, and now it was her turn.

'I win' V stated calmly, seating back on his chair.

Evey thought she could hear a very satisfied smiled behind his calm words.
The mask of course smiled at her as it always did, and yet...she swore she could see a very satisfied grin distort its pristine countenance, just a little. "Now be a good girl Evey" it seemed to say with its eternal smile.
Like hell! She swore mentally.
She didn't know what to say, watching as V apparently waited for her to concede defeat aloud and do as she'd agreed to.

'Come Evey' V began

'Please' she tried to think of something, anything! Fidgeting with her cards, casting a brief curse at V's winning hand 'please let me think about it'

'Evey' V shook his head gently 'you do recall' he reminded her 'we agreed as to the loser's penalty' the mask tilted a little 'unless you wish to...recant'

Evey wasn't sure, but the word shouldn't sound accusing, but when V said it, it sounded to her as if she were being accused of something.

'Oh no!' Evey shook her head 'no, I...I just'

'Evey' V rose 'I shall not hold you to any promise' he spoke, moving away and disappearing from her field of vision

Not going to, Evey thought ruefully, but you know I'm going to have to.
She felt a little uncomfortable by the awkward silence that had fallen.
It made her wonder where V had gotten to or if he had left, expecting her to keep her word without his insistence.

Her reverie was disturbed by strong gauntleted hands coming to rest lightly on her slender shoulders, the soft creaking of leather and the murmur of silk reaching her ears as V's strong fingers flexed a little.
She could picture him now, his tall figure looming over her, looking down at her from behind the mask's black eyes. His made her blush.

'Evey...' V spoke gently 'come now. Do I ask so much?'

Evey found it difficult to argue 'but...its just that...'

'Do I?' V asked again, kneeling beside her, his hands sliding from her shoulders, clasping her arms as the mask's cool cheek came to rest against her own.

Evey closed her eyes, delighted by his touch 'V...'

'There will be dessert afterwards' V whispered 'sweet delights, just for you' The mask's lips gently caressed her shoulder 'if you keep to the terms agreed, if not, alas'

'Oh' Evey didn't know what to say, every argument that sprung to mind fading as swiftly as she was succumbing to his touch.

V, you're so evil to me, she frowned a little. You know what you're doing to me, you must!

'Please?' V growled softly in her ear

'All right! All right!!' Evey's final shred of resistance crumbled.
She almost laughed, her outburst and sudden change of heart dispelling the moment. She turned to face him as he rose quickly from her side

'All right!' Evey looked after him 'I'll do the bloody dishes!'

She shrieked in delight as V moved swiftly and hauled her into the air and into his arms. Evey couldn't help but feel his delight.
It made her both happy and embarrassed. Happy for V's happiness, and embarrassed for trying to squirm her way out of such a simple thing.
A trivial thing, true, but to V it mattered greatly if she kept her word or not.

'Now' he began, carrying Evey to the sink where a veritable mound of unwashed crockery and pans awaited 'don't forget the order...'

'I know I know' Evey counted with her fingers "glassware, porcelain, cutlery" she stared at the overpopulated sink 'how can one man use so many pots to cook dinner?' Evey huffed 'you're a fiend!'

'I madam?' V spoke in mock surprise 'if I recall I wasn't the one to murder my defenceless risotto'

'You're wicked!' Evey laughed merrily as V set her down before the sink, leaving her for a moment to admire the large stack of unwashed pots and pans 'you want me to wash all this by myself?'

'Do not forget' V dropped a blue and white striped apron onto her hands 'it was agreed upon before our game began' he smiled 'loser takes all'

'And so much of it' Evey murmured 'well' she rolled up her short sleeves 'better get started', she looked under the sink 'V, have you seen...'

'Here' V offered a pair of pink rubber gloves and Evey donned these quickly.

Evey realised he'd donned the daft flowery apron and his hands already wore a pair of green gloves instead of the gauntlets 'I thought you might need these'

'You don't have to' Evey began, as V picked up the nearest glass, studying it for a moment.

'Why Evey' V turned to her 'what kind of a gentleman would I be, if I left a lady in such a dire situation?' he smiled behind the mask

'Thanks' Evey smiled back, picking up a plate

'And the things I must do' he laughed a little 'to convince certain people to wash even one dish'

'You devil!' Evey laughed, picking up a wet sponge

'Now now' V held his hands up 'there is no need for violence'

'Sure there is!' Evey let the sponge fly, amazed when V caught it with swift hands

'As you wish' V held the sponge aloft 'have at you villainess!'

'Eeekkk!!' Evey shrieked, grabbing another sponge and letting fly

Finis of Awkward

fic, drabble, art drabble, v_for_vincent, fun with v and evey, fic - v_for_vincent

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