Christmas Drabble!

Dec 25, 2007 21:30

A very Merry Christmas to all!
And in the spirit of the season, a feeble fable.
Many thanks to madam Pinkarella7 and madam Saniika for the inspirational artwork:


Fun With V and W - Noel

'Merry Christmahanakwanzaka V!' W announced

'I beg your pardon?' V looked up from his book, perplexed by the sudden outburst

'Merry Christmahanakwanza!' W replied 'its all the rage this season!'

'Since?' V's mask cocked to one side

'Since...' W feigned looking into a watch on hs wrist 'oh, ten minutes ago when Evey and I thought of it.'

'We did' Evey jumped up from behind W 'isn't it great? We're going to redecorate for the season'

'Redecorate?' the mask looked to Evey

'Only a little' Evey moved past W and took V's hand, pulling him to his feet 'c'mon, you can help if you want'

'I'm not sure if that's a good idea' W spoke

'May I ask why not?' V looked to him

'Well' W scratched his head 'its not like you're mister Festive. I mean' he spread his arms to indicate to Gallery 'its almost Christmas eve and look, not even one bauble or a sprig of holly.'

'I keep the season in my fashion' V spoke

'Yeah' W murmured 'the "bah humbug" fashion'

'W?' V looked to him

'Look' Evey tried to quell what could escalate into warfare between the brothers 'why don't you give me a hand with dinner 'she grabbed V's hand 'and you' she grabbed W's hand and led him away 'can start decorating the Gallery. I found a box of baubles and wreaths in one of the storage rooms.'

'HEh!' W broke away from Evey and almost ran to the boxes near the piano 'about time!'

It didn't take long before the Shadow Gallery acquired a festive air.
Heavy green red and gold wreaths hung from the walls and the Venus statue sported a nice Santa Claus hat.
W sat at the small kitchen table, looking very pleased with his handywork, waiting for V and Evey to finish preparing dinner.

Evey was having a wonderful time, chatting with V, watching and learning from him as he moved about the kitchen and prepared dinner with expertise. A delicious scent emanated from the oven and Evey just had to open the door, with a pretext to add an extra coating of glaze

'Is it ready yet?' W called 'I'm going to eat the tablecloth here!'

'Not yet' V informed 'but soon. In the meantime leave the table cloth alone'

'Looks mouthwatering!' Evey inhaled deeply, closing the oven door on the freshly glazed ham.

Almost there, she thought, looking to V who was at present following a recipe for the dessert.
Without warning she drew closer and enveloped her arms about his waist.
V ceased his work

'Are you happy V?' Evey asked, releasing him as he turned to face her  'I mean, I don't know if you and W celebrate Christmas or another holiday.'

'I admit' V spoke 'this is the first time I have celebrated with such joviality. Thank you Evey.'

'I'm glad' Evey drew closer as V's arms were about her, embracing her closely 'I'm so glad.'

'Only your presence cound entice me into this rather festive mood' V spoke softly

'Really?' Evey looked up into the mask's eyes

'That's it!' W rose from the table 'I'm off to watch a movie, maybe Halloween...'

'Don't be like that!' Evey called to him 'watch something festive. How about a Christmas Carol?'

'Fine' W agreed '"Bah Humbug!"'

It wasn't long before dinner was ready. Everything was set, a delicious ham accompanied with baked potatoes and vegetables.
Before dinner however W dragged V away and Evey didn't know what the brothers discussed, even though V seemed reluctant to take part in whatever W had suggested. After some time W re-appeared

'Evey!' W beckoned her, leading her to the gallery's atrium, now decorated with a large Christmas tree 'here' he produced a chair for her to sit 'I'll be right back with the surprise!'

Evey watched as W disappeared into an adjacent doorway, emerging alone once more

'Come on then, Evey's waiting!' he called

'Are you sure its suitable?' V spoke with uncertainty

'Sure it is' W tried to drag him into sight 'come on now, Evey wants to have a look'

The moment V stepped into view Evey stifled a gasp of surprise.
She'd never imagined V in a bright red Santa Claus suit. He stood uncertain, perhaps worried that he might look foolish.

'Oh V' Evey smiled widely 'you look fabulous!'

'Thank you' V stood a little taller

'What's the scarf for?' Evey asked

'That's my idea' W replied 'I added it to the ensemble, in honour of the Hannukah part of things.' he ran to V's side and placed a brightly coloured hat on V's head 'this is for the Kwanza side of things.'

'Its very thoughtful of you W' Evey smiled 'and you V'

'Shall we to dinner?' V offered his arm to Evey

'Thank you' Evey leaned over and kissed the mask's cheek. She left V for a moment and went to W, kissing  his cheek 'And thank you, Santa's little helper'

W smiled behind the mask 'here' he produced a small box 'for you. From me.'

'For me?' Evey opened the box and produced a pair of pink spectacles

Evey donned them and at once everything turned into shades of bright, psychodelic pink.

'Rose coloured glasses!' W smiled 'so you always look on the rosy side of things, no matter how bleak!'

'For you Evey' V presented Evey with a small box

'Thank you, both of you' Evey opened it and was greeted by a small book, and a heavy bracelet studded with rubies 'Oh!'

'They do say wisdom is better than rubies' V offered, taking the bracelet from its box and draping it about Evey's wrist 'however, I prefer you to have both and decide for yourself.'

'Its beautiful' Evey looked at it. Thanks to W's gift the bracelet sparkled wildly about her wrist. She read the books title 'a the mini Encyclopedia of Roses. I love it!'

'Merry Christmahanakwanza Evey!' W smiled 'and you V!'

'Merry, er,' v began

'Christma-hana-kwanza' W spoke slowly

'Yes. And a happy new year Evey' V kissed the mask's lips to Evey's forehead

'Champagne!' W announced 'and I get the first sip. And V, there's mistletoe right there' he pointed it out to V 'just so you know.'

V took a moment to hold Evey closer, as they listened to W sing from the kitchen

'"On the first day of Christmas my Evey gave to me...a big kiss under the tree!"

'Oh' Evey realised 'I didn't get you or W anything'

'its quite all right Evey' V reassured her 'your presence is enough. Who could ask for more?'

Evey looked up

'Merry Christmas V' Evey smiled, and kissed the ever smiling mask, closing her eyes as she did, imagining she kissed V's real face at long last.

Finis of Noel

drabble word - festive, fic title - fun with v and evey, drabble word - entice, fic - v_for_vincent, fic title - fun with v and w, drabble, v_for_vincent, drabble word - joviality, drabble word - christmahanakwanzaka

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