Bought the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets DVD today, and watched it with the French subtitles, because that is how all movies should be enjoyed.
I did catch the movie on the big screen whilst on a babysitting gig, but I made the fatal mistake of refusing to buy my little 6 year old charge a drink, so I missed large chunks of the action
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Liberace! Hee!
I watched Chamber of Secrets in the theater with my brother and I was confused when we left the theater and he was discussing that "plot" thing; all I could focus on was how unbelievably pretty Tom Riddle was. I am a perv.
I have high hopes for Prisoner of Azkaban, as it is my favorite of the books. I may rewatch the first two films to get into the swing of things, perhaps with French subtitles.
I wish Rowling would give the filmmakers the flimsiest of reasons to show young Voldemort again, but so far there's no hint of that in the books. Pity. She really needs to write a prequel: "Voldemort: is it hot in here or is it just me?"
I went a little weak in the knees at the Prizoner of Azkaban trailer. It looks really good! I can't wait to see boggart Snape in Neville's grandma's outfit. Liberace indeed!
'Azkaban' and 'The Order of Phoenix' are my fave books so far. I'm currently re-reading Goblet of Fire, and there's just not enough Snape in there, dammit!
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