it is saturday. they are digging/sawing/drilling/building. i don't really need to say any more. never mind, it is a) sunny and b) i need to go bra shopping so it is a good thing i am up.
annoyingly i forgot to charge my camera battery, i wanted to go to the park thing near kings x. maybe it'll be charged by the time i've actually got up.
niceday biros should have a warning that they are unsuitable for people who chew the ends of their pens. bite the top off and you can't write with them as its the only bit preventing the nib from pushing up inside the case when you write.
i've done this countless times and i still won't learn.
i am going out with lab peeps for a bit, but seeing as they've invited all the pretty jones group girls i feel it may get a bit much for me after the boys have had a few pints.