Despite his success as an oceanographer and scientist, Noah had always had a little regret that he, unlike the rest of his family, did not go into politics; a regret he suspected his father had shared (although never spoke). As he got older, the political side of him began anew. While he had no major qualms with the administration of his brother, Obadiah, at the same time, he was dismayed that Obadiah's administration was a pure political instrument, in the sense that he had few positions and worked mostly by consensus and popular opinion.
While Noah was sure that this bland and inoffensive management style was good for re-election, it left something to be desired. Noah had converted to Rastafari as a teenager and strongly felt that religion and order were necessary components of one's life. He had raised his children in the faith and found the lack of faith, the lack of any permanent values, really, in Obadiah, to be disturbing.
It was during reasoning with Kevin and Martin that Noah first voiced his opinions. His coreligionists agreed and the trio spent numerous reasongings contemplating and philosophizing a change. Soon, they were joined by a younger man, an acquaintance of Martin, apparently, and a newcomer to town, Trent Traveller. Traveller was eager to join them (perhaps, in hindsight, too eager) and soon enough, a new party was born and the new candidate elected to the City Council. Now came the outreach to M.U. and the hard work growing the party.
While Noah concerned himself with a political legacy, Allegra saw success in a different kind when, after many years of hard work, she was appointed Chief of Pediatrics at SimCity General. Perhaps not as prestigious as Wilhelm Larson (her friendly rival for many years)'s contemporaneous appointment as Surgical Chief of Staff, nonetheless, Allegra was happy to have achieved her life-time goal.