Pimpage!Alert! It's A Major Award!

Oct 01, 2013 10:10

Hey dear FL & LJ peeps! I have a question for you...

You know how we love to read fanfic, and how lucky we are to have writers that are willing to slave away for no pay? If you've ever been grateful to a fanfic author who benevolently fed your fangirl obessions, this is your big chance to eloquently say OMGBBQ!!THANKYOU!!

Let me bring to your attention a GREAT fanfic author. She wrote some AMAZING Spuffy fics...maybe you've read a few. Color of Devotion, Indigo Overture (OMG!LOVE), Deliverance, Smoke and Mirrors and Downward Spiral. She also started a wonderful Moonlight fic, Heartsick. (I swear I was hanging on every. freaking. word.) If you don't recognize the fics, then maybe you'll recognize her name...She's the LJ user previously known as Rikki_oko. Lovely person, and one of my bestest friends evar. :)

Guess what? SHE'S PUBLISHED. *flails* That's right peeps, you heard it here. Natalie D. Richards debut novel, Six Months Later, is being released today - at freaking Amazon.com (paperback or kindle), and Barnes & Noble!! (paperback or nook)

So if you ever enjoyed her fanfic, or the fanart I made for them....if you ever enjoyed any of my icons...for the love of heaven, puppies, kittens, and SPIKE!! Please support Natalie, and her fabulous book, Six Months Later! Buy. Read. Love. REVIEW. Or your Spuffy fancard will be revoked. ;)

If you took the time to read this post, thank you. If you go buy, read, & review Six Months Later, BLESS YOU AND ALL OF YOUR PROGENY. Ahem. :P

Here's links to all her important stuff. :)

www.nataliedrichards (web site designed & maintained by your's truly)

@NatD.Richards twitter (like my layout design?)

Natalie D. Richards Facebook (yes, yes. :P)

Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards on Goodreads

pimpage, reading, friends, book, *squee*

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