Proposal and all that jazz

Sep 22, 2005 19:39

I'm horrible at speeches. So I will state only this:

It was love at first crack, ladies and it's been growing ever since. ^_-

So, kasugai_gummie and lady_androgene:

Title: Permission
Fandom: Tenipuri
Pairings: OT5
Genre: Humor

Sanada Genichirou was irritated. Not that anyone would notice considering the fact that his facial expression was stuck in the perpetual "I've got a stick up my ass" look. But this little escapade courtesy of his lovers was causing him so much grief that he didn't know whether to smack tennis balls at their heads or cry hysterically.

Tezuka, who was standing next to him, patted him on the shoulder. They were the two sane ones in the circus that they call a relationship. Of course, come to think of it, if they were really sane, they would never have agreed to this arrangement in the first place.

But Atobe had a knack for being very persuasive. And Fuji was scary when determined. And Echizen...there was something about that smirk he used that made both Sanada and Tezuka twitch and finally give in.

But this...

"Yukimura-san." Fuji greeted the Rikkaidai captain, smiling as usual. Atobe was standing to his right, where the lighting was just perfect to compliment his stylized hair and flawless complexion. Echizen was on Fuji's other side, looking a little too much like a miniature version of a smug Atobe for comfort, with that smirk on his face.

"Ah. Fuji. What can I do for you?" Yukimura Seiichi peered over Fuji's shoulder at his vice-captain, who looked ready to bolt. Or hide behind Seigaku's captain. Seeing his friend's distress, Yukimura had to force back the laughter that was threatening to escape his lips.

"Well, we've come here on a non-tennis related matter, you see." Fuji said, pleasantly enough. If anything, Atobe and Echizen's nearly identical smirks widened.

By this time, curiosity had won over the Rikkaidai regulars. Kirihara was standing right behind Yukimura, tilting his head to the side to watch what was going on. Yanagi was leaning against the tennis court fence, a blank look on his face. Upon closer inspection, he seemed to have developed a twitch on the left corner of his lips.

"A matter that involves your vice captain." Atobe supplied, looking over his left shoulder to smirk at a growling Sanada.


"Well, you see, we've come here to ask for your permission to date Gen-chan."

Marui's bubble popped loudly as the Rikkai regulars stared in absolute disbelief at Fuji. And then their gaze shifted to Sanada, who was blushed a lovely shade of pink. Marui, Niou and Kirihara howled in laughter, breaking the silence. Sanada began growling under his breath, glaring daggers at the three howling hyenas and then directing the glare to the back of Fuji's head.

Yukimura tried, unsuccessfully, to hide a snicker. "Ah." His lips twitched. "And why have you come to me?"

"As his captain, it is your duty to make sure that Genichirou is properly taken care of, is it not?"

"I suppose so, yes."

"Well then, we're here to assure you that your vice captain will be properly taken care of. We make it our top priority to see to it that all his needs are satisfied." Atobe said, flipping his hair.

"And we do mean all his needs." Fuji clarified helpfully. The Rikkaidai tennis team howled, snorted and snickered, respectively. Sanada turned into a violent shade of red, a mixture of embarrassment and fury. Tezuka didn't even bother patting his back, knowing that if he tried to touch Sanada his hand would be bitten off.

Yukimura swallowed and took five seconds to pull himself together. "Thank you for taking the time to come here and ask for my permission." He paused, stealing a glance at his blushing fukubuchou. He vaguely wondered if he should make any 'blushing bride' comments, but he decided to leave that to Niou instead. "As Sanada's captain and one of his best friends, you have my blessings."

Atobe, Fuji and Echizen's grins widened fractionally and all three bowed. "We thank you." Fuji was the first to turn around, the slightly smug grin gone from his face. Instead he chose to use his neutral smile, knowing it would ease some of the embarrassment away from Sanada.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"So when's the wedding?" Niou's loud question caused what little of Sanada's patience to snap.


Sanada shoved the unconscious trickster into Yagyuu's waiting arms. There was a faint look of disapproval from Rikkaidai's gentleman, but he wisely kept silent.

"You idiots and your crazy ideas." Growled Sanada. Fuji, despite being much shorter, was able to match his strides, patting him gently on the arm.

"But we wanted to make it official, remember? And you told us that you didn't mind us telling the other important people in your life about our arrangement."

"I said tell them, Syuusuke. Tell them that we've decided to go through with this ridiculous scheme, not ask Yukimura for permission to date me. I'm not a girl, in case you've forgotten!"

"Oh we didn't forget at all, Genichirou." Atobe purred from behind. He was walking between Tezuka and Ryoma, right arm around Echizen's waist and his left hand gripping Tezuka's.

Sanada would have throttled Atobe, but he might miss and hit Tezuka or Echizen instead. Fuji tugged at his arm, smiling serenely.

'These idiots.' He thought, though he noted that the insult sounded affectionate these days.

"Besides, we still have to stop by Ryoma's house to talk to his father." Atobe reminded.


The loud exclamation and the even louder protest from their youngest made Sanada feel better already.


Only appropriate, wouldn't you say? ^_-


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