Title: Shattered
Fandom: Ace Attorney series
Character/Pairing: Adrian Andrews
Summary: Time may heal all wounds, but it can't glue the pieces back together.
Rating: PG for slight, slight dark content
Author's Notes: A short piece about Adrian. I love her in Trials and Tribulations, but asik;'ge hated her in JFA. Lolwut? Also written for the Angst table--prompt, broken--at
mission_insane .
Oh, how broken she was indeed.
Smiles are very easy to fake; it’s just the upturn of the lips, a false display of satisfaction or happiness. She’s healing, to be sure, but no one will truly know how she’ll never be the same.
It was almost like watching a nightmare come to life, her worst fears confirmed. She truly, deeply believed that she was going to die during that trial. Whether she was going to be sentenced or targeted by de Killer, she knew that her life would either be gone…
…Or never be the same again.
This was a second chance to start a new life. But she still can’t help but turn around when she’s walking at home, just to see if she’s being followed. She can’t help but check the locks just a few more times to see if they’re in place. She’ll never be able to stop looking in all the rooms, turning them upside down to see if someone’s hiding behind the curtains or in the closet.
And when she looks at Phoenix Wright and his determination, Franziska von Karma and her tenacity, she wants nothing more to be like them. And still, that knowledge that she is weak and always will be nags at her, deterring her from even trying.
Time may heal all wounds, but it can’t glue the pieces back together.