What's with this time of year? If I'm going to have a bout of depression, it's usually in January, for no adequately defined reason. At the moment I am not alone in being hormonal, headachy and generally grumpy: Lara is epicly headached, jo&stv are (shock!) disinclined to socialise, the Evil Landlord has been half asleep for the last two weeks,
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Comments 3
This week sucks. Besides random deaths and disasters (none of which really touch me personally, they just cast gloom in my general direction) I'm having huge, enormously frustrating and commercially damaging problems of the communication/tech/is Mercury bloody retrograde AGAIN* variety.
I generally like New Year, I'm more inclined to blind optimism than angst, but January really isn't very cheerful here in dark London town. I'm sure you have a better deal.
sulking scroobious
* No, it isn't, actually. So the universe has exceptionally little excuse.
That being said, I do understand that the long, dark winter is Not Fun, TM, for you northern hemisphere types (moral support, scroobs!). But in the Department of Weird Individual Maladjustments, I bet it wouldn't cause me as much angst as summer did here. Finland in January seriously grooved my ploons.
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