One batch of marking down, two more to go, four hours' sleep last night. I am high on sleep dep and the incredible relief of killing the shambling monstrosity that is a foot-high stack of Frankenstein scripts. Also, it's bucketing with madly unseasonable rain, my garden is happy, and I'm all exuberant with the simple joy of damp. (See Childhood,
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Comments 20
Also, the courtroom door today vaguely reminded me of the Tardis. I took a photograph of it. My advocate may think I am odd but he is young.
I love your icon, btw.
It aamuses me no end that my Evil Landlord always categorically refuses to dig in my bag for anything, even if I've explicitly instructed him to do so. He fears the bag. I don't know why - everyone knows that bag-alligators are a myth.
I don't have a bag alligator, but I do have a little frog keyring that croaks loudly when you open his mouth.
You're the only other person I've met who also routinely has a tape measure in her purse.
I've actually seen a set of interconnected pouches to keep in your purse, so you can put all the small bits in them, and then transfer to set to another purse (if you're the type who has different purses for different outfits or whatever). While I don't go that far, I'm definitely a fan of the "little pounches inside the big purse."
Mine sounds similar to yours, only replace "kumihimo" with "knitting needles." I also have to have my Palm and keyboard, so I can work anywhere (and have my Books to Buy list at my fingertips!).
Cheers, Dayle
Lacing or couching for any kind of garb. (At least, I'm not picky. Lucet is fun, but I prefer to do kumihimo, and I've never learned fingerloop braiding, and if anyone actually is picky enough to say "Hey, that's a Japanese-style cord on a cotehardie, I think it's their problem, not mine!)
Drawstrings for handmade bags, etc.
Eyeglass holders.
To wrap presents (I'm currently doing a white-and-silver one for an award cord, but I keep thinking it looks very Christmassy).
Pretty much anything else you'd want a cord for. :-)
Cheers, Dayle
I share the Handbag Bug, and the desire for it to contain everything I could possibly need (including knitting) and then some (more knitting? spare yarn? all my tools). The fact that I am an Official Purveyor of Knitting Goods means I have to battle temptation from Purveyors of Knitting Bags at every turn. Frequently I fail. Beloved keeps suggesting that I shouldn't really be stocking too many bags, because "no knitter would ever want more than one bag". Really, you'd think he'd never met a woman.
"*So* not Anonymous"
Well, there's your problem, then: all that jam.
(Someone had to say it.)
Alternatively: you loon!
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