Journal [Entry 014] Common Sense + ES = Does Not Compute

Dec 04, 2008 12:03

While I don't doubt that the current cold snap is a novelty for some, might I suggest more caution is exercised by those of you who feel the need to fling yourselves down icy branches on your stomachs or lay in wait with fistfuls of snow for unwitting passers by?

The clinic has already seen quite enough twisted ankles, frostbite and black eyes to last the rest of the month.

And for those of you unused to the cold, I suggest taking advantage of Bastet's new stock of winter clothing. We can certainly do without mass hypothermia from those who combine curiosity with lack of preparation.

On that note - is anyone aware of the whereabouts of Scales?

it's only fun until someone loses an eye, not a winter wonderland, idiots everywhere, c:fullmetal, this is nothing compared to germany, psa:medical, stop whining and buy a scarf, c:alekhine/cle, c:scales, c:fallen, pinged for hazakurain, e:winter wonderland

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