Slash, analyzed by an expert!

Sep 22, 2005 18:36

...I’d like to let you all know how stupid I am. I was typing up this massive excerpt from that book, and I went to minimize the window, and instead I closed it. I effing closed it. And after all that hard work.. it’s even harder typing now than usual because I donated blood earlier and my arm is feeling sore and a bit weak ( Read more... )

meta, articles, slash

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Comments 6

theaeblackthorn September 22 2005, 22:44:43 UTC
well done on finding that, lol.

it was an interesting read although...

...perverts? we've been considering ourselves perverts...?



lemurjoe September 23 2005, 00:10:01 UTC
Thanks for typing with a hurt arm.
Hrm, I thought maybe the reason for the dated feeling was that it was an older book*, but the copyright date on Amazon is 2005. Of course, it might be written by a professor or something and this is the material she's collected for her classes over a number of years gathered together and she just didn't bother to update some of it.

*Yes, I know you do the new books for the library, but not all books that were listed as new to the library here at UT were actually published recently, the library just decided to finally buy them, so I am in the habit of checking copyright dates anyway. :)


exsequar September 23 2005, 00:33:34 UTC
You're welcome! Glad to know it was appreciated :)

I think your second conclusion is right - it seems like she got a lot of her info from other sources, and this is basically a compilation, and when she put this part together that all might have been true. Oh well, the general stuff is still quite relevant.


redbrickrose September 23 2005, 04:45:47 UTC
Thanks so much for that! My thesis is sort of on fanfic - well, more on the concept of originality and ownership in literature, but fanfic and pop culture response is a huge part of that. I am constantly on the lookout for any kind of scholarly book or article dealing with fandom. I've read some of Bacon-Smioth's stuff, and you're right about the conclusions here being outdated. I find that in a lot of the literature that is the case, but fandom is a constantly changing thing and also, a lot of it is done more my cultural studies scholars and not necessarily people with any kind of inside look. Of course, some of them probably know fandom. I know professors involved in fandom. It's not just for sci-fi geeks anymore.

Anyway, thanks again.


exsequar September 23 2005, 04:48:36 UTC
You're very welcome! sounds like a fascinating topic... very cool :) Like someone I know is doing her dissertation on David Bowie - awesome.


(The comment has been removed)

exsequar September 23 2005, 11:56:09 UTC
you're very welcome! And nope, no scanner available. But that's ok, my arm should be fine now, and the next bit isn't long. Thanks for the concern though :)


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