
Sep 06, 2010 00:50

Today I spent a lovely Sunday afternoon at the outlets with my roomies! I didn't plan on buying much (lol) but came away with this ridiculous haul:
  • Shirt from Banana Republic ($11)
  • Henley from Old Navy ($12)
  • Deep purple peacoat from Anne Klein ($99 down from $280, oh my god)
  • Two pairs of jeans from Aeropostale that actually FIT ($42 on a buy-one- ( Read more... )

roomies, gestwicki, umich, rl, summer 10, clothes, ann arbor

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Comments 10

burnishdvictory September 6 2010, 08:57:08 UTC
It's good to hear from you again! I'm glad your new roommates are good and that you had so much success shopping. The purple peacoat sounds wonderful - will there be pictures? Also, yay for jeans that actually fit! I gave up the last time I tried shopping for jeans so I understand the thrill of finding ones that fit.

*hugs for work* I hope your experiments start going well again quickly.


jebbypal September 6 2010, 14:27:13 UTC
*huggles you* Sorry the research end of things is going poorly. You know what they say which makes us all want to kill THEM. "that's why there's a re in research ( ... )


scottsnbritts September 6 2010, 16:24:24 UTC
Next time you go, you'll have to let me know! That way I can stock up on unhealthy snacks for studying :)

Also, we should meet up soon!


exsequar September 10 2010, 04:33:43 UTC
Nope I went to Tanger Outlets in Howell! Is Birch Run better??

We really should! Coffee or lunch perhaps? What's your schedule like?


scottsnbritts September 10 2010, 04:59:24 UTC
I forget those exists, only because I've never been. I shouldn't forget about them though because there're billboards for them when I go up north. But they're probably pretty equal in terms of what they have.

Either of those would be good! I have classes from 10-1:00 and then from 2:30-4 on Mondays and Wednesdays. And I have class 10-11:30 and 2:30-5 on Tuesdays. From 10-11:30 and 1-4 on Thursdays. So basically, the noon hour is good on Tues & Thurs and 1 is good on Mon & Wed. Fridays I have no classes and weekends just depend on whether I go home or to a football game.


exsequar September 10 2010, 05:02:09 UTC
What a complicated schedule! Haha. I am down to one class (!) which is 1-2:30 on Tuesday and Thursday, and then lab for the rest of my life. :P How about we do lunch at ~11:45 on Tuesday?


pau494 September 8 2010, 15:39:47 UTC
Oh, that peacoat looks AMAZING. That's a great haul, bb! And I'm glad your new roommates are awesome, they both sound like perfect people to hang out with you. \o/

I hope your research experiments start working out soon. I'm having a bit of a 'what do I see myself as' situation as well, so I'm putting out good vibes for both of us. *hugs*



exsequar September 10 2010, 05:04:05 UTC
Thank you sweetie! <33 I'm so happy we hit the roommate jackpot again, srsly.

Things are looking much brighter today, thankfully. I'm not sure how much it is mood and how much other things, but I'll take it. Sending you so many good vibes sweetie! We should talk soon - I miss you. ♥


hernameislara September 13 2010, 20:06:56 UTC
There is nothing better than a great Shopping Spree <3 haha!


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