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Comments 21

novafairy July 8 2010, 17:21:25 UTC
sorry. I can't read the rest of your entry now I'm staring at the cutest gif I've ever seen!!!!1111

You don't happen to know where the original footage is right?!?



exsequar July 8 2010, 17:28:04 UTC

n720 posted it here: CUTIES, I'm not sure if she's watching the German feed or what but it was on before the game somewhere!


novafairy July 8 2010, 17:39:12 UTC
ME NEITHER. How are they so amazing?!? Miro & Lukas together are so damn special to me. They were (and are) my dream-striker-duo of all time when it comes to the national team. Whenever the one assists the other one in games I go crazy.

Just read the comment there, yes. föaklsdjfökadsfj.

I can't even. Seriously. I saw the pictures of the scene but them, moving. - Great. Wanted to go back to studying any minute but now I can't stop staring at them for the rest of the evening!!!


novafairy July 8 2010, 17:25:29 UTC
Okay, read the rest now, lol.

so that's pretty much decided for me. *g*
Yihaaaaa. I'm talking about the 24/7 anyways (maybe you noticed that already, lol) so that's just PERFECT, darling :D

I'm joining an indoor "soccer" league starting next week
You rock. This is just awesome. - Sadly I'm scared of balls (and there is NO pun intended here!) and can't kick or throw one if my life depended on it. But one of my closest friends is playing football as well and she always tells me how much fun it is!


exsequar July 8 2010, 19:14:08 UTC
I did notice but you talk in German about it so much that I wasn't able to follow! :( Will you talk about it in English with me? :) Bayern! \o/

Aw thanks! I'm really excited about it though nervous as well. I LOVED playing on a soccer team in high school - one of the best times of my life. :)


novafairy July 8 2010, 20:44:03 UTC
I just went back and checked with my bayern-tag... AND THEN I FOUND PICTURES FROM TIMES WHERE LUKAS WAS STILL PLAYING FOR US. Awwww. (Okay, tbh: I wanted him to leave at some point because it was high-class-drama but right now I'm in an awwww-Lukas and awwww-everyone, so that's cute.)

There was I already falling in love with Thomas in October. :D :D My wee one. ♥ It was like a journey in the past because during the last 4 weeks I didn't really think about my club but seeing what we achieved last season (and seeing all my boys: Basti, Thomas, Holger etc so so *happy* made me smile hard)

Here, have some examples:

... )


exsequar July 9 2010, 05:38:25 UTC
STEFFI LOOK AT THEM!!!! I am SO excited to follow and support this team with you. It's going to be such great fun. :D

The gif is amazing! Such bouncy, happy boys! And wow Mario must be strong to lift Basti like that, hee. All of them are like BOING BOING BOING and oh man, love it. What game is that from?

I feel I will easily fall in love with Holger. And Mueller - though I kind of am already! ♥

Don't you sometimes make posts on LJ in German? Or are those not about Bayern?

Aw, thanks girl! I could tell you stories about when I played in high school - I was a defender, right back just like my hero Lahm, and I loved taking free kicks. One time I made an assist off a free kick from our own half! That was quite a shining moment. :D It was just - so much fun. ♥


anamie_me July 8 2010, 17:41:39 UTC
awesome! I want to follow the Bundesliga too, but subscription over here is not in my budget right now, so... we'll see. I'm so happy you'll still be posting about football stuff!!! I'll def be watching out for those.

CAN'T WAIT FOR 2012 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


exsequar July 8 2010, 19:16:33 UTC
There are online streams of various sorts, apparently! Piracy is totally acceptable when it's not available in your country, haha. Apparently Veetle.com is good?

2012 WOOOOO! Deutschland gonna kick some butt! :D


(The comment has been removed)

exsequar July 8 2010, 19:32:40 UTC
Aww, every time I've read Basti's interviews translated (recently) I've found him smart, thoughtful, and adorable. And watching him is fun too. I wish I could get the understanding WHILE I'm watching!

Do you not like any of the guys, or just some of them, or what?

It is an unfamiliar feeling to be so into something that's not American or British or what have you. But it's really awesome! It's nice to be able to share in something from a different culture, especially one I have so many friends in. :) I've even signed up for an online German course, haha. We'll see if I stick with it, but I want SOME of the basics at least!

I hope they lift their chins and walk out of here with another dazzling display. ♥


snuffkin July 8 2010, 21:18:07 UTC
There's one thing every child grows up with here, even if they're not interested in Football!

Ich würd nie zum FC Bayern München gehn!

That is: You don't like Bayern if you're not from Bavaria :I

okay there are *a lot * of exceptions to that rule lalala but hey that's a cultural fact! *g*

anyway, glad you're following bundesliga! I'm trying to stay up with it more next season too. I'm just glad our club (SC Freiburg) is still in Erste Bundesliga so I can actually enjoy some games on TV lol


exsequar July 9 2010, 05:40:35 UTC
Haha, well, sorry to betray the cultural laws! *g* I'm not from anywhere in Germany, so I think I'm allowed to choose what Bundesliga team I support, hehe. And I simply cannot leave my boys - Basti and Lahm. <333


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