I have like a million things to post about, but somehow after *living* through exciting things, posting about them can feel like a job I have to do, so I'm going togive myself a bit of a breather before tackling it. In the meantime, let's talk about (
Comments 4
I agree about the way that Emma/Will came back around too. In that case, though, I actually don't particularly like either of them, so I'm not really bothered so much as profoundly uninterested.
I... have no feelings for Finn whatsoever, and I LOVE Rachel, so we'll see. If they turn into a lovey dovey couple I might cry. Again.
I hated Will all through the back episodes, but Somewhere Over the Rainbow made me tear up because of all the kids and the relationships they've made and how far they've come. &GLEE CLUB;
I'm cautiously optimistic about next season, but I think there are a lot of things that need to be unfucked. Hee!
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