Give me a part of you for part of me

Mar 15, 2010 00:26

Sookie: He's your maker, isn't he?
Eric: Don't use words you don't understand.
Sookie: You have a lot of love for him.
Eric: Don't use words I don't understand.
TRUE BLOOD, YOU GUYS. *______________ ( Read more... )

pacific, band of brothers, askars, true blood

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Comments 32

newredshoes March 15 2010, 04:29:18 UTC


exsequar March 15 2010, 14:14:52 UTC



musical_emjay March 15 2010, 04:54:53 UTC
OH GODDDDDD ERIC AND GODRIC. ;____________________♥

We are pretty much on the same page about everything, funnily enough. I love and hate all the same people you do, lol :D (Although I'm not so sanguine about Bill and Sookie, who are so BORING and make me want to PUNCH THINGS. And Jason, who amuses me like crazy). BUT YES. ASKARS. HE'S PRETTY OK, ISN'T HE? *chinhands*

I'm so excited for The Pacific, too! YAYYYY MOAR AWESOME WAR DRAMA! \o/


exsequar March 15 2010, 14:18:09 UTC

I'm hoping there's MOAR ERIC AND GODRIC because omfg I love them. It's the first pairing on the show that's made me want fic, and want it BADLY. Unnffff.

I go back and forth on Bill and Sookie. I find them moderately compelling, and I don't know, they don't make me want to go browse the internet while they're talking like Maryann and Tara do right now. I suppose they're interesting in comparison, haha, which is not all that high of praise.

ASKARSSSS. He keeps wandering around in skimpy black tanks and making my heart do funny things! He's all loomy and authoritative EXCEPT WHEN HE'S KNEELING FOR GODRIC SLDFKJSLKDFJSDLF.

I heard the Pacific premiere was AMAZING and that there are already boyfriends! :DD I'm soooo excited to watch after I get out of work today!


candogirl March 15 2010, 05:38:19 UTC
Welcome to the crack! I'll warn you that if you suddenly feel the desire to read the books they are extremely trashy, but also fun in a turn your brain off kind of way. The show is not a direct retelling of the books, for example there is a lot more Eric in the books but he's a somewhat different character. Anyway, I'm glad you're watching because there aren't enough True Blood fans on my friends list.

If you haven't guessed yet, I love Eric. I also love Jason, Jessica, and Lafayette. I quite like Bill and Sookie as characters, but they bore me as a couple. I can tolerate them for the time being, though. I predict big changes next season, which I think will dramatically improve the show.

What did you think of The Pacific?


exsequar March 15 2010, 14:14:14 UTC
I'm pretty sure I will steer away from the books - I've got too much on my To Read list anyway, and I'm not generally a fan of trashy novels!

Now that Jason's away from the Fellowship of the Sun nutjobs, I think I will start growing fonder of him. He's always been entertaining, and getting more and more endearing, but I just couldn't be all that happy with him when he was consorting with NUTJOBS. I really don't like religious fundamentalism so that was a huge turnoff. :-/ But now he's off being sweet at Sookie and so I think I can forgive him! Also, Jessica and Hoyt are THE SWEETEST THING EVER. If something bad happens to him, I will be most upset. :(

I haven't watched The Pacific yet! Just downloaded it this morning but have to wait til I'm done with lab to watch. D:


ariadne83 March 15 2010, 09:50:10 UTC
Oh man, Eric and Godric actually made this cynical bitch cry.


exsequar March 15 2010, 14:03:45 UTC
Teehee! I rather adore them a whole lot. I love the casting of Godric - he's so young but he also has this agelessness to him. Gorgeous.


theaeblackthorn March 15 2010, 11:29:41 UTC

How awesome is that show?!??! Omg! :D You've made me happy by liking it!


exsequar March 15 2010, 14:04:21 UTC
Heeeee. Pretty flippin awesome! \o/ I'm glad to have pleased you! ;)


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