ASkars will kick your whiskey tango ass

Feb 28, 2010 02:20

Very quick Spring Break update ( Read more... )

band of brothers, askars, true blood, winter 10, cousins

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Comments 7

maryangel200 February 28 2010, 08:18:06 UTC
I love their faces.


angel726 February 28 2010, 17:19:49 UTC
true blood ♥

drive safe!


kashmir1 February 28 2010, 17:45:52 UTC
TRUE BLOOD! BE SAFE DARLING! And let me know when/where you're coming through PA and maybe we can meet up for lunch or something! *hugs you so tight*


exsequar March 1 2010, 05:30:44 UTC
Well I'll be coming through on Sunday! Probably early afternoonish? I'll be driving from somewhere in the vicinity of Philly/Lancaster. It's a long drive so I can't stop very long, but I would love to smish your faces! <333


pushingyouaway February 28 2010, 17:50:39 UTC
that picture is so adorable <3

have a wonderful time! be safe! have fun! and all that other jazz \O/


newredshoes March 1 2010, 02:41:23 UTC
I give everything in this entry two thumbs up. BOYS. TRUE BLOOD. \o/ \o/ \o/


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