
Feb 25, 2010 01:35

The vets of this journal will remember Jeremy, my (young, gorgeous) film prof from college whom I became actually really close friends with and who made senior year bearable. I talked about him far too much, and I do apologize about that, but he really was the glue keeping me together that year ( Read more... )

jeremy, umich, rl, winter 10, michelle, band of brothers, high school, college, zaneta

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Comments 9

vertrauen February 25 2010, 06:37:43 UTC
If you can put up my shit, I will be more than willing to put up with yours and welcome it with open arms. *smish*


maryangel200 February 25 2010, 08:12:21 UTC


insunshine February 25 2010, 09:25:30 UTC
I'm glad you're feeling better, hon. I love when there are people who just make your life better. Those are the ones who you should definitely find a way to be more consistently around.


nebulein February 25 2010, 09:42:58 UTC
Yay! *twirls you* Sounds like things really straightened out. Hope you have a great time at home :D


iamsupernova February 25 2010, 14:45:46 UTC
:D :D!


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