In a world without limitations

Apr 30, 2009 09:25

Good morning, lovely LJ ( Read more... )

vidding, senior, rl, college, fenlon

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Comments 8

hebrew_hernia April 30 2009, 13:52:08 UTC
Ooh, that is really scary. What kind of scan was it? Have you tried running some kind of test sample to make sure the machine isn't broken? Did the power go out in the middle of the night?

(In semi-related news, the other night on Fringe this scientist dude was all "I need a centrifuge and a spectroscope." Okay, what... kind?)

Also, if you're at all feverish, it might be appendicitis. Otherwise, perhaps you are having a growth spurt? It would explain the hunger. Seriously dude, I got nothin'.


exsequar April 30 2009, 14:18:52 UTC
It was 15N NMR, and none of the usual explanations work. She had just run another sample right before and it was fine. This is the DNA with my 15N labeled nitrile inside of it, and the IR instrument has gotten a signal from this sample that shows a peak for an 15N labeled nitrile (it's different from a normal 14N) so it' IN THERE. 15N NMR is supposed to be able to detect 15N anywhere in the sample!

I don't know what to doooooo D:

(Hahah that's.... suck. I knew I didn't like that show.)

I don't think it's appendicitis? But I'm going to keep an eye on it just in case. And ahahaha I WISH I was having a growth spurt. Then maybe these extra pounds wouldn't look so terrible :P


hebrew_hernia April 30 2009, 18:59:58 UTC
Have you tried scaling up the peak size in the screen where you label the peaks and do the integrations? I had a scare a few weeks back with some missing peaks but it was just that my sample was extra-diluted, and when I increased the scale I could see them. (I don't know what F&M uses, but Kenyon's NMR machine is Bruker and the plot editor is Topspin? Anyway I'm sure you're familiar enough with taking NMRs to know what I'm talking about.)

((Also, how much do I love that we're having this conversation? I mean, missing peaks = bad, but nerdy science talk = delightful.)

Oh I LOVE that show. TV bad science makes my life complete. It makes me feel good about myself when I know that things are wrong. When they're so wrong it's beyond hilarious, that's even better.

Boo. Maybe it is just gas. :/


exsequar May 1 2009, 00:55:30 UTC
I'm not taking the spectrum myself. We have a dedicated NMR lady who works four days a week, using a 500 MHz machine. She knows what she's doing. She's not missing anything. :-/


loki_dip April 30 2009, 16:08:15 UTC
Any ideas? :(

The only thing that comes to mind is some sort of parasite?


exsequar April 30 2009, 16:49:20 UTC
That definitely occurred to me too. It would explain the perpetual hunger and maybe the pain. What a disgusting idea :-/


loki_dip May 1 2009, 18:11:53 UTC
That's not so good. But it's the hunger that makes me curious. Because most stomach pains don't have that with it.

Maybe you should go get tested?


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