Let's poke at the internet and see what happens!

Apr 06, 2009 21:50

Hi flist! I have a favor to ask of you ( Read more... )

senior, rl, college, michelle

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Comments 6

why_me_why_not April 7 2009, 02:21:58 UTC
Keltie's blog (I don't think she gets as many comments now as she used to since she's not with Ryan anymore, but she still has a decent following. although she doesn't reply to them.)

I think twitter has greatly changed the way we interact with some famous people -- look at the MCR boys and Tom Felton, who respond to their tweets, compared to other how mostly tweet just to entertain us or something.

If you're looking for people who are famous within fandom-type circles, there's always copperbadge.


kashmir1 April 7 2009, 02:23:38 UTC
Try cleolinda - she's pretty "famous on the internet." ;)


hebrew_hernia April 7 2009, 02:23:46 UTC
David Hewlett's blog might be an interesting read.

Also, she might want to consider the fatosphere (a community of bloggers dedicated to promoting fat acceptance and the idea of health at every size) -- kateharding.net is a good place to start.


gigglingkat April 7 2009, 03:49:39 UTC
David Hewlett and Wil Wheaton for blogs.

Wil Wheaton and Greg Grunberg for Twitter.


bunnymcfoo April 7 2009, 03:53:04 UTC
two words: Neil Gaiman. dude, he pretty much invented the concept of celebrity blogging in my world.


snuffkin April 7 2009, 09:38:47 UTC
iawtc! Neil Gaiman's blog is awesome!


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