
Mar 27, 2009 13:29

G'day loves! In a much better mood than yesterday. It helps that the sun is shining and it's a glorious 60 degrees outside ( Read more... )

matthew goode, umich, senior, rl, college, michelle

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Comments 16

expastic March 27 2009, 17:39:59 UTC

re: the Twitter thing - tweets don't have to be sent to your phone... you can have a few feeds that have mobile updates and the rest you can simply view when you refresh your home page. :D :D :D


vertrauen March 27 2009, 17:52:00 UTC
re: Twitter - same as above! I use TwitterBerry, and that gives me the option to check the peeps I follow at my leisure on my phone. I still have direct text for the people I actually know, but there are some accounts I follow that are extremely Twitter happy, and TwitterBerry is a GODSEND.


strikesoftly March 27 2009, 19:30:36 UTC
I don't keep text notifications turned on at all (and wouldn't even if it were re-enabled for my service provider), since I just check people's tweets using iPhone apps. Makes life a lot easier!


wordsalone March 27 2009, 20:48:32 UTC
I didn't see a QAF poll over there. :/


exsequar March 27 2009, 21:02:30 UTC
That's because I'm an idiot and it's flocked! *facepalm* I'll tell her you're interested though, she's really excited about getting people involved!


wordsalone March 27 2009, 21:03:49 UTC

My bestie has all of my freaking DVDs but I'll find a way to get them back. :)


exsequar March 27 2009, 21:15:35 UTC
candidlily will be uploading each episode a few days before each chat, so don't worry about it if you can't get them!


brightedelweiss March 27 2009, 20:55:18 UTC
Matthew!! He's so adorable in that movie (and hilarious which is not surprising). PLEASE DO PICSPAM I await it with pleasure.


exsequar March 27 2009, 21:03:07 UTC
He's SO precious (and occasionally heartbreaking) and yes, so funny, omg. Precious boy <3 That was the role that most closely approached his own personality, I think. Which is fucking charming, obvs :D


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