Sometimes I just don't know about my brain

Mar 07, 2009 10:58

What a weird and bizarrely frustrating dream. I was at some kind of party of some sort (I think I was touring somewhere with my college choir? and the party was for us?), and randomly there was... Rose McGowan! Wtaf, surprise!Rose McGowan? I haven't even watched Charmed in years! So anyway, I tried to get a picture with her and my camera was being ( Read more... )

dreams, buffy

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Comments 1

huggenkiss March 7 2009, 22:29:27 UTC
Ack! My most-watched Buffy episode ever! That was the point that I feel head over heels in love with Buffy and never looked back. Gah, that episode was so wonderful I could quote it all day long!


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