That declared the destiny of a nation, yes we can

Jan 04, 2009 15:12

ENORMOUS PET PEEVE ALERT: It appears that EVERY PICSPAM in Merlin fandom is in this format - i.e., screencaps squished down to roughly 300x150 px and put into a single collage image. It's ugly and horrid and completely USELESS. Why has this fandom fallen prey to such a horrible habit?! I fully plan to remedy this with a FULL SIZE massive picspam ( Read more... )

six feet under, family, merlin, obama, holiday, rl, cousins

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Comments 5

valmontheights January 4 2009, 21:12:58 UTC
Here's to you, 2009. Please treat us better than your predecessor.



darlas_mom January 4 2009, 21:22:18 UTC
Welcome home!

I love you for the picspam idea! I've been dying for good pics of Colin Morgan and Bradley James.

"Six Feet Under," yay! I've always loved that show whenever I got a chance to see it. (Sadly, I've still missed great gaping chunks of every season, though.)

::snuggles:: I'm glad you had a nice trip.


tenaciousmetoo January 5 2009, 03:24:33 UTC
Welcome home, and happy new year! You sound so wonderfully relaxed and happy. So glad you had a good time. Hear here 2009!


pau494 January 5 2009, 12:44:23 UTC
Welcome home! I'm happy you had such a wonderful time with your family, that's my favorite part of the holidays right there.

2009 better kick ass! ♥♥♥


flamingkitten January 5 2009, 19:03:08 UTC
happy new year! and um, holy crap, how did your cousin's husband lose 100 pounds in SIX months? that's crazy but amazing!


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