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Comments 23

renne December 21 2008, 08:37:35 UTC
exsequar December 21 2008, 14:28:40 UTC
HEEEEEEE. Omg, the music totally makes that. I am so amused!! Wow, you really went to town here with the videos, hee, thank you! :D


renne December 21 2008, 08:39:12 UTC

renne December 21 2008, 08:41:55 UTC

renne December 21 2008, 08:45:19 UTC

musical_emjay December 21 2008, 09:21:25 UTC

Oh god, I'm just about to head off to bed, so no YouTube vids from me....HOWEVER, this is my favorite thing EVERRRRR ♥_______♥

Good luck with everything, my dear *smooch* You can do it!


exsequar December 21 2008, 23:28:00 UTC
Awwwwwww HEE, BOYS. That is SO adorable! :D

Thank you darling!! I survived, and I might even say conquered! YAY! *twirls*


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