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Comments 5

jebbypal September 29 2008, 11:00:20 UTC
I dunno, personally, I think its much more important to be happy during your grad school years. Plus, phd there is 3 yrs period, here it goes 5-8 yrs.


iltaru September 29 2008, 12:12:06 UTC
I'm in the process of very seriously examining that decision. It's extremely complicated, weighing what's most important to me - the fact that it's DUBLIN and I KNOW I will be happy there, or the fact that I could probably get a much more prestigious and personally-tailored PhD project over here in the states. My head hurts.

Mine would too... *cuddles and provides cookies*

The thing is... you may always regret it if you don't go to Dublin. You may not - the perfect degree for you may sway it.

For me, though, I'm in Cardiff over Oxford because I preferred it here. Waaaaay less prestige, sure, but I'm having a ball nonetheless. Maybe for post-grad, who knows :P

Equally, how much more prestige/credit/good-looking-on-a-CV-ness would you get if you had that international flavour to your degree?

Whatever you decide, many hugs are coming your way, and tbh I need to come Stateside before too long anyway, my cousin's complaining that I haven't been to see her in too long, so yeah, obviously I'll need to visit you if you're still there :P


escherzo September 29 2008, 20:59:04 UTC
I don't know, I think there's something to be said for being in a place you know you'll be happy.

And good luck with your lab report *working on one of my own*


pau494 September 30 2008, 00:26:12 UTC
Sigh, academics. I still think you should consider what makes you happy, otherwise you might end up regretting not going.

*hugsss* It sounds like you had a great time with Paddy!



pushingyouaway September 30 2008, 01:24:25 UTC
whatever you decide will be what is best for YOU. i'm sure if you don't think you are really capable of going back over to dublin at this point in time, then most definitely you would be able to visit for a bit in the future

boo to the lab report /O\ yay to pjs and supernatural and japanese food \O/


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