As reality comes crashing in

Aug 28, 2008 15:44

I feel vaguely nauseous. I got the characterizing spectra back on my FINAL PRODUCTS, that is, the ones I worked ALL SUMMER to make, and NONE of them look great. Some of them look decent, albeit with significant impurity, but others aren't even the right material. I'm so frustrated and upset and I can't believe I have to spend the rest of my year on ( Read more... )

rl, college, fenlon, summer 08

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Comments 3

iamsupernova August 28 2008, 20:52:48 UTC
Auohsufdsfhs expensive textbook pain, I feel yours. I've been to the school bookstore twice already, I've already spent $160, and I still have to spend at least another $190. D: D: D:


darksylvia August 28 2008, 22:17:44 UTC
Ugh, the prices of text books are always so fucking ridiculous! STUDENTS ARE POOR, PEOPLE.

I actually think college is pretty much where you learn to deal with stress. I didn't do it as well as I do now before I'd gone.

*holds you*


trinity_clare August 28 2008, 23:04:22 UTC
The other day I found a textbook that was worth $100 for $12 COUNTING SHIPPING. HECK YES. (And it has a picture from Wicked on the cover. God I love being a theatre major.)


modillian August 29 2008, 04:38:28 UTC
Yes, sad days for books and theses. I'm looking to spend about a hundred a textbook too. :( Also, two days a week I have classes going from 7:30-9:30am and then the next block is 4-6pm. Do. Not. Want.

Your art class sounds cool though. (Think happy thoughts)


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