I've never seen the art but it's still sort of scary that LJ did that. But I'm definitely not leaving.
Yay for your daily dose of Panic! OMG THAT PHOTOSHOOT IS OFFICIALLY MY FAVOURITE EVER. Ryan looks pretty! And everyone else! Spencer in eyeliner! The white suits! Their sweaters! ♥
It is a bit scary, but at the same time I kind of understand it. And I personally ahve never come even close to being involved in that side of fandom, and it's always kind of bothered me, so maybe I'm being a bad little fangirl? But... yeah. I'm not saying that it's okay or anything, just... I don't know. I'm not personally worried, and I don't think fandom at large should be either.
RYANNNNNN. That picture is so blindingly beautiful. The rest of them are so so gorgeous too. JWalk loves his guitar! THE WHITE SUITS! oh oh. So pretty boys, so so pretty. *snuggles them*
I'm rewatching Farscape right now, partly prompted by your squee and partly because I've never "revisited" it after my first run.
Farscape is fucking INTENSE, yo. John just made a deal with Scorpius, and Scorpy sealed it by slitting John's thumb and sucking the blood... obscenely. Then he made John taste his in return. IT WAS DISTURBING AND DISTURBINGLY HOT, OKAY? *holds head*
Oh god, I completely agree. With *handwaves* all of that. Just. Wow.
Comments 3
Yay for your daily dose of Panic! OMG THAT PHOTOSHOOT IS OFFICIALLY MY FAVOURITE EVER. Ryan looks pretty! And everyone else! Spencer in eyeliner! The white suits! Their sweaters! ♥
RYANNNNNN. That picture is so blindingly beautiful. The rest of them are so so gorgeous too. JWalk loves his guitar! THE WHITE SUITS! oh oh. So pretty boys, so so pretty. *snuggles them*
(Your icon! *loves*)
Farscape is fucking INTENSE, yo. John just made a deal with Scorpius, and Scorpy sealed it by slitting John's thumb and sucking the blood... obscenely. Then he made John taste his in return. IT WAS DISTURBING AND DISTURBINGLY HOT, OKAY? *holds head*
Oh god, I completely agree. With *handwaves* all of that. Just. Wow.
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