Jared interview by TVGuide

Mar 15, 2007 13:53

NEWSFLASH: Jared Padalecki is the most adorable ginormous dork EVER.

Posting the full text of the TVGuide interview so I can have it in my memories! Yay Jared! (Mild spoilers for upcoming episodes, nothing that wasn't already pretty common knowledge)

From Jared's mouth to your ears: 'Wow! That's rockin'!' )

interviews, jared, supernatural s2, supernatural

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Comments 15

reikah March 15 2007, 18:14:03 UTC
"Sometimes I'm like, "In my trailer, now!" and he comes in and we spend 25 minutes and beat Contra"



trinity_clare March 15 2007, 18:17:11 UTC
That's EXACTLY what I said.


exsequar March 15 2007, 18:19:04 UTC


lost_witness March 15 2007, 18:26:00 UTC
Where did they find that last bit? Because jdaklfj;lasjd *dies* Sometimes I'm like, "In my trailer, now!", that needs to used in a fic by the end of today ;)


exsequar March 15 2007, 18:28:02 UTC
They thanked a person in their post, but I have no idea where she got it! *hands* PRICELESS, I know! Oh Jared :D


lost_witness March 15 2007, 18:37:05 UTC
Hee, this is he (and definitely Jensen as well) need to do more interviews this summer. The things that come out of their mouths, especially Jared's, well...soooo much fodder.

Oh, it's from the interviewer's blog

i am lame...sorry for the repost. :x


exsequar March 15 2007, 18:42:36 UTC
Aha! I see! Thanks for pointing that out :D

They need to do more video interviews together! That's what I want! *makes gimmehands*


redbrickrose March 15 2007, 18:47:25 UTC
Oh, Jared. ♥ He's so adorable.

Jensen and I…. Sometimes I'm like, "In my trailer, now!"

The RPS is not our fault. It just . . . it writes itself.


exsequar March 15 2007, 18:52:38 UTC
It really, really does. ♥


winterlive March 15 2007, 18:48:36 UTC
*danny go boom*


exsequar March 15 2007, 18:52:21 UTC
*sends Jared the bill for cleaning up the danny-pieces*


winterlive March 15 2007, 18:55:35 UTC
no see because.

me: *gets a job on spn set* *stands outside jared's trailer* *listens*
jared: oh, that's it, motherfucker, it's ON.
jensen: bend over, bitch.
trailer: *rockin*
me: *wishes i was a nintendo controller*


exsequar March 15 2007, 18:58:48 UTC
teeheehee. ♥


dove95 March 15 2007, 21:31:01 UTC
Yes! We get another gratuitous shirtless Jared/Sam scene!!!

Thanks for posting this. Jared = ♥ :)


exsequar March 15 2007, 21:48:39 UTC
Oh, it gets better. Sera Gamble described the sex scene as "Sam slams her against the wall." I just... !!!! I think there will be combustion.

You're very welcome :D


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