
Mar 04, 2007 15:29

Heeee! Torri Higginson (Elizabeth Weir on SGA) is SUCH A SLASHER. I'm reading lots of David Hewlett and other SGA interviews, and I just came across this gem:

Is Weir using Sheppard to make Caldwell jealous?
Torri Higginson - Dr Elizabeth Weir: I think Caldwell is toying with Weir to make Shep jealous.(To clarify, Sheppard and Caldwell are men) ( Read more... )

stargate atlantis, interviews, funny

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Comments 8

midnightwhisper March 4 2007, 20:42:15 UTC
lmao they are so funny.


(The comment has been removed)

exsequar March 5 2007, 12:06:40 UTC
Gosh, me too. I just want to go to Vancouver and hang out on all the sets up there. *wistful sigh*


crystal_lily March 4 2007, 22:24:23 UTC
Lol I also remember her saying something about Elizabeth and Teyla on that Behind the Gate special thingie. :D

I really <3 them all. :D


exsequar March 5 2007, 12:05:15 UTC
Oh she *totally* did. She was like 'Maybe Elizabeth and Teyla will run off together!' I need to rewatch that special now that I'm completely in love with the whole cast, hee.

Oh wow, look, our icons match! I love her funny little faces! *squish*


crystal_lily March 5 2007, 19:21:36 UTC

Is Elizabeth ever going to go off-world again? Ever?
Torri Higginson - Dr Elizabeth Weir: Well, she did end up in handcuffs and blindfolded the first time…so if it’s up to her…yes.

I love her.


thharwood March 5 2007, 11:02:10 UTC
Bumbling comic relief? McKay was a hero and nothing but hero, nothing but brilliant and nothing reluctant about it! Are we watching the same show?!
It's like McKay himself is answering the questions! LOL
Atlantis cast FTW. =)


exsequar March 5 2007, 12:04:15 UTC
I love David Hewlett SO MUCH. I just keep falling more in love with him after every new interview I read. He's hilarious and charming and SO GEEKY and it's marvelous. ♥!!


iltaru March 5 2007, 19:59:25 UTC
It's been raining in the UK for DAYS, and I was having urges to watch Series 1 SGA - Shep in the rain and shouting at Kolya in eps 10-11? YUM!! - but my sci-fi marathon buddy has the DVDs! I was gutted!

Love the interview gems though ^_^


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