
Feb 07, 2007 17:03

Notes as I watch, because there are SO MANY McShep moments, I want to keep track! :D (Obviously, my thoughts contain other things, in case you were worried :P)

SGA 3x13 Irresponsible )

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, mcshep

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Comments 9

fledmusic February 8 2007, 06:11:47 UTC
Is that because John already knew his heart, and there was no need for that kind of reconciliation?Yes! Exactly! At first, I was like, "Huh, why didn't he apologize to John for stuff..." but then I realized that, like Rodney said, they're good. They've worked out their issues, they know what they mean to each other, it was all beautifully simplistic and uncomplicated; he doesn't need to do anything special, because they're just LIKE THAT all the time ( ... )


exsequar February 8 2007, 06:15:57 UTC
Yes! To everything you said! You know, I bet the writers had no intention of making John and Rodney particularly good friends from the start (it really does seem like they're going for the group dynamic more than anything) but Joe and David just play off each other so well, that this thing built up, out of anyone's control, and just became this gorgeous, understated thing that is nevertheless undeniably THERE. His EULOGY! *squeaks* That's... yeah. That's love.

*twirls happily*


fledmusic February 8 2007, 06:34:57 UTC
God, yes ( ... )


exsequar February 8 2007, 06:41:10 UTC
Eeee yes I noticed that too! John stepping closer to Rodney, and damn you Rodney for, yknow, passing out! *shakes fist* Hee.

LOL, the CANDLES. *dies* They probably got them from Teyla. I can just see her raised eyebrow. And why isn't Teyla teaching him meditation? She does it all the time!! Haha. Just cause John spent some time with some hippie freaks makes him an expert? No, it's that Rodney responds best to him! And everyone knows it! I love, I love a lot.

I actually really love John and Elizabeth's relationship too. I'm so glad they don't sexualize it, because it would be so easy to Go There, but they DON'T, and that's what's awesome about this show. Everyone loves each other without any of it being about sex. That's awesome. It keeps it away from anything like a soap opera, and keeps it character/concept driven drama, just the way I like it. I love this show :D


shinetastic February 8 2007, 08:26:00 UTC
I shielded my eyes from the SGA spoileryness, I just wanted to say...


I know you had a horrible day! :( I hope things work out and my best wishes are with you and your friend ♥ ♥


exsequar February 8 2007, 14:49:31 UTC
Awww, thank you sweetie! *huggles* You are lovely :)


crystal_lily February 8 2007, 20:16:48 UTC

Okay, so much to agree on, so little time. The candles. And the meditation. John won't give up on Rodney. And the touching. And the tears! And the "in the way a friend loves another friend" YEAH RIGHT.

I love. this show. so so so so much.


exsequar February 8 2007, 21:16:29 UTC
*wibbles a lot* THE TEARS! I just... John was the only one who was misty! JOHN! The stoic, sarcastic, no chick-flick-moments guy was the one who had tears in his eyes! Not Teyla, not Elizabeth. I just... god. *squishes them together*

And I just... Rodney asked John to read his eulogy. They might as well get married and get it over with, because it's SO OBVIOUS. *happy sigh*



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