I don't really get makeup, Jensen gets makeup, he loves it

Dec 11, 2006 17:41

Starsouls1013 speaking! (let me know if this is unnecessary!)

I think, maybe, that Jared saying "WE HAUL ASS" might ACTUALLY be the hottest thing in existence. Especially, ESPECIALLY since "we" refers to him and JENSEN in the IMPALA.

Yes. You heard me right.

You want proof? What? Oh fine. How about an entire video interview with Jared in which Read more... )

links, videos, squee, jsquared, jared, supernatural

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Comments 27

crazyjoyfulgirl December 11 2006, 22:48:42 UTC
Oh. my. gawd.

I love him so much it's unreal.

Him and his manly love for Jensen.


exsequar December 11 2006, 22:59:40 UTC
Yes yes and also yes :D


crazyjoyfulgirl December 11 2006, 23:14:19 UTC
There is nothing but YES'ING up in here. Tis good.

P.S. I totally dig the new name. I've said this already but it needs saying again.


michaela3105 December 11 2006, 23:35:25 UTC
ICON ♥ I just watched the new promo. This scene is...I have no words!


michaela3105 December 11 2006, 22:50:02 UTC
Your layout is awesome and just looking at those picutres breakes my heart all over again.

The interview with Jared is so cute. He loves his Jensen *g*


exsequar December 11 2006, 22:59:21 UTC
Thank you so much! That scene is just.. gah. Perfection.

He most certainly does!

Also, welcome to my journal! I saw that you friended me a couple days ago. May I ask why? :)


michaela3105 December 11 2006, 23:30:32 UTC
Because I downloaded you 'Blind' video ages ago and after rewatching it for the 341987 million time I recognized your lj name at the end. Your video is one of my favourite SPN videos ever. That's why I friendes you...hope it's okay.


exsequar December 12 2006, 00:26:11 UTC
Oh, thank you so much!! I really love hearing that people like to rewatch my videos - it's the ultimate praise. I'm so glad you like Blind :) And of course it's fine if you friend me! Welcome!


(The comment has been removed)

exsequar December 11 2006, 22:58:32 UTC
Of COURSE they live together, silly. Didn't you hear? They're married! ;)

Actually that is an excellent point. Mayhap one of them picks the other up on the way to work. THIS MAKES ME HAPPY IN MY PANTS. *nodnodnod*


And yis, new name! In retrospect, it was probably silly to post the announcement that I changed my name at 2 AM. Because no one saw it, lmao.


deirdre_c December 11 2006, 23:00:48 UTC
News Flash: Jensen likes makeup and JP is utterly adorkable. \o/


exsequar December 11 2006, 23:01:58 UTC


exsequar December 11 2006, 23:02:44 UTC
(Although, I suspect Jared might have been yanking Jenny's chain, WHAT A SHOCK. Given Jensen's less than enthused response to not being done in the makeup trailer in the Day in the Life ^_^)


hopelessfangirl December 11 2006, 23:05:38 UTC
LOL Jared's the best. I like making people think I'm smart! <333

And DUDE, imagine being at a stop light and you look over and there's JSquared chilling in THE Impala next to you. That's how accidents are started, man.


exsequar December 11 2006, 23:08:18 UTC
I LOVE that boy.

Also, the mere thought of that is enough to give me heart failure. Holyshit. And they'd clearly be in costume so it'd be SAM AND DEAN. Fighting evil in Vancouver! *dies*


hopelessfangirl December 11 2006, 23:18:59 UTC
Yeah man, I'm really on the wrong side of the country.

*packs up and switches provinces*


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