Have I ever told you you're a bee-YOOtiful woman?

Nov 12, 2006 02:25

So I watched four episodes of Angel season 3 tonight - 3x03 - 3x06. I LOVE this show. Wow. The whole ensemble just works *so* perfectly - everyone brings their own element, and I adore every single one of them. I'm particularly crushing on Fred (see beautiful new icon!) and Gunn. (Not as a pair right now, though I adore it when it happens) Oh oh. ( Read more... )

episode reactions - angel, angel, supernatural

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Comments 4

snuffkin November 12 2006, 09:01:31 UTC
Oh man Fred is so adorable ♥ she's lovely and cute and just... pure Love *g* I miss Buffy and Angel :( I miss Joss :(


riverdresses November 12 2006, 09:27:42 UTC
Oooh, Angel! (for a moment I read that as Dark Angel . . . silly head! XD) REALLY need to start watching that. For the Faith! *drools*

*♥ and kisses the Anne*


vaeltaa November 12 2006, 13:33:03 UTC
Aaah, Fred is one of my top favorite fictional character ever. HEARTS! Dude, you're making me wanna watch all seasons of Angel, for like the twentieth time, lol. He needs to do a new TV project, stat. WORD!


redbrickrose November 13 2006, 17:11:33 UTC
AtS is love. I miss Joss so much; I'm getting seriously impatient waiting for him to come up with something new.


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