
Aug 03, 2006 19:34

THIS PICTURE ETA: NO!! THIS PICTURE!!!! may or may not be my current desktop. GUH. (New one linked by mcee, from the Season 1 DVD website! Go to her journal for more!! *DED ( Read more... )

internship msu, dean, summer 06, daddy, supernatural

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Comments 4

paddle_slut August 4 2006, 00:06:49 UTC
oh hunny im so glad it went well, so do you think that you are gonna go back next summer?...
& that dean pic...omg...it is now my desktop...*grins*


redbrickrose August 4 2006, 03:26:37 UTC
Congrats on the internship presentation!


quietdiscerning August 4 2006, 05:34:55 UTC
omg, conGRATS hon! that is so awesome.

id twirl you but i dont want pukage. *twirls you in spirit*



snuffkin August 4 2006, 11:11:00 UTC
OMG so pretty! *drools*


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