
Jul 01, 2006 00:26

So I'm slowly but surely getting around to posting the Theory of a Deadman stuff. I got a few good pictures, and the videos came out decently - if you know the songs, you can tell what they're playing, which... is good, I guess! The audio's out of sync by a couple seconds, but oh well ( Read more... )

hermione, picspam, rl pics, kane, jensen

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Comments 21

dove95 July 1 2006, 04:41:17 UTC
teehee! Wall picspam is the best :)


killerweasel July 1 2006, 04:41:56 UTC
Oh wow!

That looks so much better without her. She made me want to stick a spork in my eye. Yeah, she was the star too. And I think she's the only person in the world who wouldn't react when he BIT her on the ear. No reaction! Like some kind of alien robot!

I just posted clips of Christian from the show over in my journal if you want to snag them.


exsequar July 1 2006, 04:45:19 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you like it! She looks *really* obnoxious... and maybe I'm being a little bitchy, but hey, whatevs :D But honestly?? No reaction to being bit by CHRISTIAN KANE??? It's unnatural! Yikes.


lostjane July 1 2006, 05:36:46 UTC
Very cute! I like the shirt.


dualbunny July 1 2006, 07:14:29 UTC
Hee, adorable shirt on a very cute model. :D


exsequar July 1 2006, 16:58:36 UTC
Hee, thanks sweetie! *blush*

Oh I was meaning to ask you, would you be willing to beta the vid I'm working on? I've got it about a quarter done. It's Supernatural, yay! Just let me know if you'd be willing to look at it as is or if you want me to wait until I've got it finished? And also let me know what email to send to. That is, if you can do it! Thanks in advance! ♥


dualbunny July 1 2006, 18:46:29 UTC
Sure, I love to--whatever state of finishedness you'd like thoughts on. :) My email's thedevilbunny(at)hotmail(dot)com.


huggenkiss July 1 2006, 07:29:00 UTC
Aww, man! You've set my biological clock ticking again! Seeing pictures of Chris like that... *whimpers*

Now if only I could find a man that looked THAT FINE... Well, my Dean icon will have to do. :D


exsequar July 1 2006, 16:59:31 UTC
Oh man, I KNOW! It really isn't fair, all these gorgeous boys with adorable babies!


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