
Feb 18, 2006 00:43

So, I'm sick. It's yucky. I don't like being sick. It's a cold, the kind that sets up camp in your head and drums constantly on your forehead from the inside. My throat doesn't hurt too badly, though I am coughing quite a bit, and I do sneeze occasionally, but it's mainly fatigue and achyness. Meh ( Read more... )

random, rl, queer as folk, saraandmichelle, sick

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Comments 9

crystal_lily February 18 2006, 06:52:26 UTC
Oooh, Season 1 QaF is just so muhc love. :D

I hope you're feeling better hun! :D


exsequar February 18 2006, 07:47:16 UTC
Thanks sweetie ♥

And it really is! :D


jamesinclair February 18 2006, 06:52:52 UTC
You caught the Norovirus of course.

Did you love your supervisor before finding out he was gay?


exsequar February 18 2006, 07:47:37 UTC
Yes, I did :P


redbrickrose February 18 2006, 07:41:55 UTC
I came home the other day and my roommate was watching s2 of QaF and I just found myself standing in the doorway staring at the television because I had forgotten how unbelievable gorgeous Gale Harold is. Clearly I do not watch QaF enough because MY GOD. That should not be something that one ever forgets.


exsequar February 18 2006, 07:43:34 UTC
AUGH I KNOW *flail!!!* If you ask michelle, I keep making incoherent little noises whenever he's on screen. He's SO BEAUTIFUL. It really defies logic how perfectly beautiful he is. *dies*


reeface February 18 2006, 17:28:52 UTC
oh no, my little sickie girl. :( *get well vibes*

and, y'know, i keep meaning to tell you how gorgeous i think your banner is!


exsequar February 18 2006, 17:30:35 UTC
*soaks up vibes like the sun* :D

Aw, thanks darling! ♥

Btw, icon love. The hair! The hands! Eee :)


affectations February 19 2006, 01:54:02 UTC
That's awful, I hate being sick. *gives you cookies* I hope you feel better soon. Watching s1 of QaF is definitely the cure! *g* I love season 1, ok it's prob the only full season of QaF I've seen besides s5. Still, it's shiny and fun and I love the Brian/Justin. :D


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