
Jan 21, 2006 04:45

I do believe my new obsession is Supernatural! Goodness me, can't I focus on *anything* for any extended period of time? Oy vey. TV shows are easier to stay obsessed with though because there's more material and a continual source. Much as I love BDS, there's only so many times I can watch it in a row ( Read more... )

jared padalecki, sammy, jensen ackles, supernatural

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Comments 6

ringwench January 21 2006, 15:51:52 UTC
Whee! You've been assimilated! :-)

So I take it you're all caught up on the eps now?

It's such a fun obsession!

Oh and I wound up not being able to download your vid last night (the boyfriend is addicted to World of Warcraft and monopolized the computer all frigging night!), but I'm going to download it tonight (when I will have the computer all to myself) and write you some nice long feedback :-) Just wanted you to know I haven't forgotten about it!


exsequar January 21 2006, 17:05:14 UTC
I only have one left, Asylum. I watched Skin last night, it was soooo good! The "brothers" fighting was so heartwrenching, and Dean bending over his own dead body... *shivers*

You know my only complaint about this show? There's *always* a pretty girl. :P

It's okay hon, I can't wait to hear what you think! :)


alil2sarcastic January 21 2006, 16:53:58 UTC
Jared is 6'5''? Holy crap. He needs to be playing basketball or something!

And yes. Supernatural does kick ass.


expastic January 21 2006, 16:55:21 UTC
stone_princess does a whole lotta SPN fic recs. Check it out.



concise January 21 2006, 19:36:50 UTC
where have u been girl?!? Ive been watchin this show since it first aired! Who couldnt love Jared's smile....and he-man haircut. LOL! And Jensen's hottness?! *swoon*


affectations January 22 2006, 02:16:08 UTC
hmm is it bad that I've attempted to read Supernatural fic after watching only one episode? They just started showing SPN here. I like Sam better than Dean too although I like Jensen. I find that a little strange because I didn't really like Jared on Gilmore Girls. He is so hot on SPN though.


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