Announcing The Fairy Tale Issue!

Jul 08, 2009 03:43

Expanded Horizons is currently accepting submissions for our upcoming Fairy Tales and Fantasy issue. We do not have a date set for this issue, but we are looking at September as a probable run date.

What do we want? We want stories which fit with our mission and purpose, as always, but which in particularly reinterpret well-known (or less well-known) fairy tales and fantasy stories, or tropes. A starting point would be stories told from another character's viewpoint, for example. (Women, fae, or even otherkin...)

Stories which flesh out the women characters in fairy tales is another possible angle. Stories which thoughtfully reinterpret or relocate "European" fairy tales in non-European contexts are also interesting to us (especially since many of these stories have non-European origins, for example, Cinderella). What happens to fairy tales when cultures collide is another idea.

Of course, these are merely starting points- please do not let this limit you in contemplating the possibilities. Surprise us. (In a good way.)

And please pass along the word to the writers you know!


P.S. For a preview of the upcoming issue, you can watch a film adaptation of one of our accepted stories here.
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