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When everyone had suggested an anonymously voting to chose their winter break destination, Joonmyeon had been all for it. He even created a little cabin, for a perfect voting experience, inside their shower.
When four 'let's go fucking skiing' were drawn out of Jongin's top hat, Joonmyeon was the first to offer his car as one of the two vehicles needed, he had a spacious enough trunk, it was only natural. He wasn't even all that bothered - read terrified - when both maknaes claimed a seat and radio privileges, it was only a four hour long trip after all, and he would be rewarded later, when he would lay down by the fireplace after a nice day spent in the hotel spa. Yes, Joonmyeon was very hyper about this trip, key word being wasAs of right now, Joonmyeon is curled in a corner of a cableway bordering between terrified and 'full-blown panic attack' while the cablecar sways from side to side in a discomforting fashion. He knows he is being ridiculous, there is a kid sitting across him ( ... )
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