May 05, 2013 22:43

After looking through the bids today, it came to my realization that quite a lot of people either just missed out on some bids they wanted or bid outside the time frame. Also, there are a few artists and writers that did not receive any bids at all. I've also gotten a few comments/messages from people stating they'd still like to donate to this ( Read more... )


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Comments 223

baekpercent May 6 2013, 09:37:01 UTC
i'd be willing to donate another $15!!!

for a sekai fic where kid!sehun sees kid!kai at a ballet studio in some foreign land and is amazed at the fact that someone as small as him is in a class full of adults

fast forward a few years and sehun and kai are both best friends but train in different countries, the reunite constantly, however, at ballet competitions and the rest you can take over from there

This is taken from the cutest little love story between these two kids named Aran and Gaya from the documentary First Position


specialises May 6 2013, 11:10:07 UTC
hi! i don't mind writing this but do you have a specific length you want? and how long will you be willing to wait for the fic bcos i write reaaaaaaaaally slowly sometimes ;~;


baekpercent May 6 2013, 11:20:19 UTC
preferably over 5k? or just long enough so that it has enough substance. i'd be willing to wait 3-5 months even, i don't mind if you take more just notify me of course xD haha


specialises May 6 2013, 11:38:44 UTC
oh okay, i'm alright with that length! c: hmm, i prob won't take so long but we can communicate through email/pm/twitter regarding this? will you be okay with me writing your prompt? c:


uchouten May 6 2013, 10:17:27 UTC
looking to spend $20 for a baekyeol AND/OR kaisoo (small hints of the other pairing at least lol)

I want harry potter AU's so gimme gimme gimme


airplanewishes May 6 2013, 13:25:31 UTC
I can do BaekYeol for this. Are you particular about length of time it will take? :))


uchouten May 6 2013, 15:57:40 UTC
Nope! Just good comminication so i know when itll be done etc.but otherwise, no rush


thesockmonster May 6 2013, 15:11:45 UTC
Harry Potter AUs! I wish I had the time. ;-; Good luck.


admortems May 6 2013, 12:01:20 UTC
hi, i'm willing to donate another $15 for a fic!
i would really like a substantive taohun, around ~5k or more. that's basically it, i'm not looking for anything too specific although if someone takes this then we can work out details later on!


leadernim May 6 2013, 17:05:33 UTC
I can do this! I love TaoHun ^___^ I've written them here and here.


admortems May 6 2013, 20:05:16 UTC
awesome, thank you! do you have a contact point or is lj okay?


leadernim May 6 2013, 20:14:22 UTC
LJ or my Tumblr. Either is fine with me!


thesockmonster May 6 2013, 13:44:23 UTC
I am looking to pay $10 for a mama powers au fic involving fighting for their lives with "I can't believe we made it out of that alive" kris/kyungsoo sex at the end. ^_^ Can be as long or as short as needed.

Also paying $10 for pwp of kris/kai featuring Jongin in lingerie. (hopefully with a lead in so it's not too short.)


bulletthestars May 6 2013, 19:19:33 UTC
i could do kris/kai featuring jongin in lingerie! how long do you want it to be i may get carried away also um how long will you be willing to wait and erm do you want canon or au?


thesockmonster May 6 2013, 19:23:47 UTC
Woo! I think canon would be more fun probably and as long as it's not less than like a thousand words or something ridiculously short like that, I'll be happy. There needs to be more kriskai in this fandom and I'll wait as long as it takes!


bulletthestars May 6 2013, 19:32:26 UTC
ahh okay! ;A; are there any specific types of lingerie you want in the fic, like stockings with garter belts and stuff? also by crossdressing do you want it to include skirts and heels as well, or..?


jelligom May 6 2013, 13:50:59 UTC
oh!!!! also i want yixing art *_______*
chibis are cute but i like portraits too i can do $10 for this


halcyondusk May 7 2013, 02:54:22 UTC
crying do you want me to just do both the fic and art for you as a package during my holidays if you don't mind waiting or something ;_______;


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