Somewhere along the Southern border near Tennessee

Feb 18, 2009 21:19

The barracks and associated watchtower along this long-abandoned dirt road have been in disrepair for nearly fifty years. In the last months, with the growing unrest in the rapidly destabilizing Southern Kingdom, and rumblings of a civil war, a large group of loosely-affiliated mercenaries has reclaimed the stone buildings as a base for their own self-serving operations. Twenty-three men of varying skill but ruthless nature keep a close watch on their would-be royal prisoner in a converted stable, who is being watched at all times, and near-hogtied to prevent escape.

There is money to be had in ransom, and while the goods have not been 'damaged' as it were, thanks to an innate fear of her god-touched nature, there's been more than a fair amount of leering and commentary aimed her way over the last week and a half.

It's approaching evening, and with it comes the meagre offering of rabbit stew and rough bread on an improvised metal disc that serves as a tray.

northstar, morph, the brides' tale, dazzler, marie lebeau

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