December Days of Happy #2

Dec 02, 2010 11:26

I've been feeling a bit down lately, so in an effort to perk myself up I'm going to try to post something that makes me happy every day this month.

Today's happy? Two of my absolute favorite fanvids. The first is a Star Trek tribute video celebrating all of the television Trek series as well as many/most of the movies (I still haven't seen all of the Next Gen movies, so can't say for sure). The music is the orchestral piece of the beautiful flute song Picard plays from "The Inner Light" so in addition to a vid that I love, there's a piece of music that I adore here as well. I have the song on my ipod and it never fails to give me a sense of peace and relaxation.

image Click to view

The second vid is likely one of the first fanvids I ever watched and loved. Sadly, it isn't streaming online, but can be downloaded from the Killa's DW here. It is a TOS/movies vid with a Kirk and Spock focus (I suppose you can look at it either a shippy vid or a friendship vid, depending on which glasses you prefer) but also with the whole ensemble appearing as well. The music is "Dante's Prayer" by Loreena McKennit, yet another song that I adore (though this one I started to love mostly because of this vid). Yes, I have mentioned my adoration for this vid before.

star trek, days of happy, vids, recs

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