We seem to have a few things in common and I often find myself reading your posts...would you mind if I added you? If not, no harm. (also trying to figure out if we've actually met somewhere)
feel free to add me, thank you for asking however. It's a bit disconcerting when I look at my info page and see people on there who I've never even seen on lj before and never left a comment listing me as a friend. On top of that having several trolls doesn't make it very fun at times. But ah well, not going to let them bother me.
Not sure if we've met, don't recognise the face (assuming that the icon is you) but I'm actually mostly face blind so that's not saying much. If you've been going to the Dervish since it was the Crystal and remember the first incarnation of the Angel there's a chance, but I've been a recluse as of late and prefer to be such.
Comments 2
Not sure if we've met, don't recognise the face (assuming that the icon is you) but I'm actually mostly face blind so that's not saying much. If you've been going to the Dervish since it was the Crystal and remember the first incarnation of the Angel there's a chance, but I've been a recluse as of late and prefer to be such.
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